T/Sgt. Terence T. Camp became POW on 29 June 1944. But his B-17 was unknown.

T/Sgt. Terence T. Camp Details
I saw the name Terence Thomas Camp for the first time during the research for the crash site of the B-17 #42-38051 ‘My Yorkshire Dream’.
In the MACR 6739 for the B-17 #42-38051 only the corresponding crew was listed. In KU 2388, which belongs to the MACR 6739, T/Sgt. Terence Thomas Camp was named. He was captured, like the B-17 #42-38051 and its crew, on 29 June 1944 around 09:30 o’clock. The B-17 #42-38051 crashed between Zettweil and Pöhla, 5 km west of Großröde and 10 km west of Altenburg/Thuringia.
However, I was surprised that T/Sgt. Terence Thomas Camp did not appear in the regular crew list of MACR 6739.
The search for his unit
The question I was then asked was, of course, which unit did he belong to? In which B-17 did he fly and what happened to the B-17 and the other crew members?
Searching sources
First I searched the mission list of the 303rd Bomb Group on this 29 June 1944, perhaps his name appears there and belongs only to another B-17. But no.
After that I searched the US National Archive and entered his serial number. I also found it and in this personal file the 457th Bomb Group is listed as his unit.
I’m one step ahead.
Next, I entered his name and 457th Bomg Group in a search engine and quickly found him. Terence T. Camp appears in the personnel list of the 457th Bomb Group, so the 457th BG can be confirmed.
But in which B-17 did he fly on 29 June 1944 ?
Another search result leads me to the V-MAIL MESSAGE BOARD SYSTEM of the 457th Bomb Group Association. There the grandson of Terence T. Camp asks exactly the same question, which I ask myself: What B-17 was he in and what happened to the rest of his crew?
Fortunately his grandson gave the name of the pilot: Norman Breit, and I felt that I was very close to the finish line. His grandson also describes that his grandfather was in the 750th Bomb Squadron and was one of the unfortunate ones who bailed out on the pilot’s order and that the pilot still managed to return with the B-17.

T/Sgt. Terence T. Camp’s B-17 found
Now I tried to find the mission report for each day. The mission report from the 457th Bomb Group Association was unfortunately not helpful in this case, because it does not list any B-17s which flew the mission. But there was another 457th Bomb Group Association: http://www.457thbombgroup.org/ and this website listed the mission report in more detail. I searched this site for the name of the pilot: Norman Breit and found a short description at the top of the page, which said:
The aircraft piloted by Lieutenant Norman Breit encountered considerable flak. Assuming that the plane would crash, three of the crew bailed out.
So, in addition to Terence T. Camp, two others jumped out. A little further down the used B-17s were listed and the B-17 of Norman Breit was “A/C 167”.
Ok, I find out the complete serial number with the knowledge that 167 is the last 3 numbers of the serial number, I looked in my database and used the advanced search. I set this to 750th Bomb Squadron and then, on the third page the B-17 #44-6167 is listed.
With this I have now found the B-17 and how it came about that T/Sgt. Terence T. Camp jumped off. It was only a coincidence that he was captured near the crash site of B-17 #42-38051.
Who were the other two crem members?
The mission list where I could find out the crew of 44-6167. Also has the original list and in it you can find the names and functions of the crew.
And besides T/Sgt. Terence T. Camp, who flew as technician and upper turret gunner, Charles J. Hrubos – gunner of the chin turret and Lt.
So I think I have solved the mystery. It only took two hours for me.
Published: 12. April 2020 / Last updated: 24. July 2021
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