B-17 Flying Fortress - Production-block B-17G-1-VE: 42-39758 to 42-39857

Modifications to this production-block

Bendix chin turret, Plexiglas nose change, wing tip reinforcement, reinforce fuselage aft of radio room, remote reading compass and B-3 bomb release interval control added. Bombardier’s windshield wiper and No 3 bulkhead armour deleted.

B-17 Flying Fortresses in this production-block

S/N Unit Fate Manufacturer
42-39838 photo
42-39839 photo
42-39840 / The Lopin Lobo
42-39841 / Wacky Woody
42-39842 / Miss Lace
42-39843 / Daley’s Male photo
42-39845 / Hulcher’s Vultures photo
42-39846 / Widdle Twinkle photo
42-39847 / Battlin’ Betty photo
42-39848 / Archi-Ball
42-39852 / Shatzi II – We Aim to Please photo
42-39853 / Papa’s Passion
42-39855 / Ole Basser
42-39856 / Lane Tech Of Chicago aka Wacky Woody photo
42-39857 / Belle of the Ball