Delivered MacDill 3/1/42; Assigned 32BS/19BG Java 7/2/42 with Bill Lorance; 7BG, crash landed Malang 8/2/42 with Bill Lorance. Salvaged.
B-17E in flight // Wikipedia Commons [Public Domain]
The first of the “Big Ass” B-17’s arrived England to equip the US 8th Air Force in July 1942. All the planes had been modified with enlarged gun windows and 0.50-calibre guns on either side of the nose. Further modifications were made to them after they were operational including work on the radio, bomb rack, lighting, oxygen, extinguisher and survival systems. By the time the B-17E had been shipped across the Atlantic, newer models were already coming off the Boeing production line. In fact, the B-17E was only on full combat status for just over two weeks before the appearance of the B-17F’s
The B-17E was not used in great numbers for combat because the F model was so different in performance that it made joint operations, using both planes unlikely. The B-17E took a back seat and was eventually esed as a trainer, a transport and a target-tower. With its armaments removed it could give better handling and speed.
Delivered MacDill 3/1/42; Assigned 32BS/19BG Java 7/2/42 with Bill Lorance; 7BG, crash landed Malang 8/2/42 with Bill Lorance. Salvaged.
Delivered Sebring 4/5/42; Hendericks 27/43; Hobbs 16/11/43; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Albuquerque 16/6/45.
Delivered Salt Lake SAD 3/12/41; Assigned 7BG Java then with ? Kualoa, HI 1/7/42; 42BS/11BG Hickam 22/7/42; crashed Shortland Bay, Bougainville 1/2/43 with Capt Harold B. Hensley, Co-pilot: Chas Bingham, Bombardier: S/Sgt Oreste Natiello, Navigator: John Jackson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Lester Gudenschwager, Radio Operator: John Powers, Waist gunner: Bill Tomko, Waist gunner: Pete Fabino,Tail gunner: Willett Allen (9 Killed in Action). YOKOHAMA EXPRESS. Missing Air Crew Report 16269.
Delivered Minneapolis 7/3/42; Salt Lake City 13/5/42; Assigned 28BS/19BG Hawaii 26/5/42; shot down near Rabaul, New Britain 9/8/42; Salvaged 22/4/45. MUFFINS.
Delivered Salt Lake Strategic Arms Depot (SAD) 25-Nov-41; Assigned 19BG with Ray Cox landed Malang, Java, 28-Jan-42; and 9BS/7BG Java (Project X) 28-Jan-42 with E. Habberstad; strafed Singosari 3-Feb-42. Sal, Written off 31-Oct-44. Never served in the UK.
Delivered Ogden 23/1/42; Cheyenne 15/2/42; Wright 24/3/42 taking part in ASV trials; Wayne Co. 10/10/42; RCAF Dorval 18/10/42; Gander-Prestwick 4/11/42 RAF [FK189]; 59 Sq Thorney Is 11/1/43; transferred 220 Sq (ZZ-X) Aldergrove, N.I.; then to Lagens, Azores [ -Y]; engine caught fire on take off from Lagens with F/Lt Larry Croft 26/7/44, the fire was extinguished by USAAF fire crew assigned to base; Struck Off Charge 15/8/44.
Delivered Sacramento 17/12/41; Assigned 26BS/11BG Java 20/3/42; transferred 63BS/43BG Townsville, Aus. 20/5/43; Returned to the USA Memphis,TN. 2/8/44; Eglin 5/11/44; Recl Comp 31/10/45. PER DIEM.
Delivered 5/1/42 Langley; Assigned 9BS/7BG Java 19/2/42 with Bill Lewis; transferred 19BG and strafed Bandoeng, Java 24/2/42. Salvaged.
Destroyed on ground on 25/04/1942.
Delivered Cheyenne 23/5/42; Assigned 431BS/11BG Hawaii 7/6/42; transferred 13AF Poppy 22/7/42; ditched at sea 11/9/42 with Willard G. Woodbury.
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