Delivered Cheyenne 4/8/43; 241 BU Fairmont 27/12/44; Recl Comp 7/6/46.
The main difference between the E and F models was the wider propeller blades with which the new model was equipped and which gave it better flight performance. The F model was produced in much larger numbers by three different manufacturers. Minor changes in details were made at each factory. The manufacturer was encoded in a suffix added to the model and block: BO stood for Boeing, VE for Lockheed Vega, and DL for Douglas. This made it clear that an aircraft with the designation “B-17F-50 VE” had been manufactured by Lockheed.
The B-17F’s arrived in England in August 1942 and were destined to fly throughout 1943. However by the summer of 1944 they were a rare sight on operational bases. The planes were subsequently re-modifed by the idividual bases to cope with the unique problems that com to light in air combat. The aircraft, designed and tested in warmer climes, had to cope with the extremly low temperatures and high humidity of altitude flight. Problems encountered in the first few missions: the brushes in the electrical generators frozen up, the ball turret would not rotate, guns jammed, there was blind spot in the forward zone of fire and the tail was very heavy.“To find out at the beginning as us tried as one attacks the B-17 best, tried we bomb to and so on everything, even the bombers bombs. But we found out that the best tactics consisted in attacking her from the front and we used the 190s for it as end of ’43. The time at which you could shoot was very short since the approach-speed was very high. But, when you have hit the B-17 from the front, you have hit the cockpit or the engines mostly. There were only four 190s groups after this time which attacked from behind, which were called the “storm troops”. If the B-17 didn’t burn or the garrison didn’t jump down, then these 190s rammed the bombers at the tail unit or the rudder.”
Walter Krupinski
By November 1942, the Luftwaffe fighter pilots had realized that they could attack a B-17F head-on and be safe from return fire from the actual plane. The fitted 0.30-calibre michine gun in the plexiglass nose was ineffective so individual Bomber Groups decided to replace it with the more destructive 0.50-calibre guns. A nose gun installation kit was provided by 8th Air Force Service Command and the importance of a forward mounted turret on a B-17 was impressed upon the manufacturers. The work on converting the nose turret was very slow and could be only be carried on when the aircraft was free from combat commitments. It was not until May 1943 that B-17F’s with a factory fitted nose gun mount landed in Britain.
“The Germans got to the beginning of the war from the side or behind. But they got for a lot counter-intelligence fire at 25 to 30 B-17s. When they found out that the B-17 had less fire strength in the nose, they changed the tactics. You came in V formations of the front. For us it looked like a line, now and then, however, they came in the inverted V and we shot onto the middle which, however, wasn’t in range yet. At the next trace it was a normal V perhaps again and the middle was nearer than the outer positions. These came toward us with really high speed. You came with 400 miles and we flew 160 and fired her with her 20 mm cannons on the cockpits as soon as we were within range in the hope to meet something. One could see coming the 20 mm and one hoped that they didn’t meet. After the attack they shifted and came back. Only if they found a single machine, they were not effective from the front, they then came back from the side or behind. A machine at which one or two engines had failed was alone put on herself and the guys of the air force took their time to hit the fuel tanks on the two fuselage sides.”
Robert Davila, Pilot der USAAF
“At the beginning only the Fw 190 attacked the bombers and the Bf 109 only was used as escort. Most attacks were flown from the front. If the bombers noticed that the 190s came, they often flew a curve from 10 or 15 degrees. This made it hard to come flying up from the front again.”
Walter Krupinski
The failure of the ball turret was of greater concern on the early models. Apart from the problem with retaion, the oxygen line, throat microphone, and flying suit heater cords all became tangled during normal combat operations. The gunner also feced the risk of running out of oxygen. The bottle contained insufficient oxygen for a normal mission and it was the job of the waist gunner to re-charge the ball turret cylinder but the valve often froze open and supply quickly emptied.
Other Problems included a leaking hydraulic unit, and a turret door that was prone to cracking. Getting out of the turret in an emergency was also a painfully slow procedure. The gunner had to hand-crank the turret in to the correct position, then lift himself out of the hatch and put on a parachute. Needless to say ball turret gunner was the least popular job amoung B-17 crews.
By May 1943, the US VIII Bomber Command had listed a dozen priorities for standard modifications: nose gun fittings, upper turret charging handles, armor plate protection for the pilot’s panel, more ammunitin for the gun in the radio room, an increase in the oxygen supply to all turrets, new radio antennae, Mark III IFF sets, a remote indicating compass and a life-raft realease. there was also a list of less important changes such as bullet proof glass in windows, re-locating waist gun sites for a better field of fire, fitting of GEE and changes to the oxygen system.
The cold conditions the aircraft operated in tended to freeze the bomb bay doors and the bomb shackles. In early missions this problem was overcome by one of the crew using a crow bar on on the frozen mechanism. Experienced crews would test the bomb bay door operation before they were on the bomb run.
Nothing could be done to stop the plane from being tail heavy but crews were warned about storing equipment and ammunition near the rear.
Another cause for condern was the ability of the waist gunners to inadvertently fire into the wing and tail. In July 1943 an electrical cut off system was fitted which automaticlly stopped the gun firing pins if the gun was aimed at any part of the plane.
One of the most important changes in the development of the B-17F was the addition of extra fuel tanks giving the plane another 1080 US gallons. effectively, this increased the B-17F’s range by 1000 miles and the operational radius doubled to 650 miles. The extra fuel units were called “Tokyo Tanks” (supposedly adding enough range so that a B-17 could get to Tokyo from a carrier in the Pacific) and were made up of nine rubber self-sealing cells placed betwenn of ribs of both wings. These long-range versions first appeared at English bases in May 1943.
Delivered Cheyenne 4/8/43; 241 BU Fairmont 27/12/44; Recl Comp 7/6/46.
Delivered Cheyenne 11/2/43; Gt Falls 17/2/43; Salina 5/3/43; Assigned 303BG Molesworth 15/4/43; transferred 368BS/306BG [BO-V] Thurleigh 17/4/43; 324BS/91BG [DF-F/D/P] Bassingbourn 11/9/43; battle damaged over Schweinfurt 14/10/43 with Lt Christensen wia-died next day, cp Lt Mendelsohn brought ship back to crash landed at RAF Tangmere and slammed into tree; After long repair returmed to base and transferred 401BS [LL-D] before re-ass. to AFSC 6/4/44; Returned to the USA Tinker 29/4/44; Winston Salem 5/22/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Bush Fd 15/5/45. CORN STATE TERROR.
Delivered Cheyenne 12/8/43; 93BS/19BG Pyote 1/10/43; 236 BU Pyote 10/9/44; 4202 BU Syracuse 26/3/45; Recl Comp 3/1/46.
Delivered Cheyenne 28/12/42; Salina 10/1/43; Morrison 5/3/43; Assigned 429BS/2BG Navarin 13/4/43; Chateau-du-Rhumel 27/4/43; Ain M’Lila 17/6/43; Massicault 31/7/43; Bizerte 2/12/43; Amendola 9/12/43; Missing in Action {11m} Sofia 24/1/44 with Bob Willis, Co-pilot: Art Kruger, Navigator: Phil Cooper, Bombardier: Modine Bigham, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Joe Fricke, Radio Operator: John Eagen, Ball turret gunner: Ken Peters, Waist gunner: Stan Katz, Waist gunner: Chas Jones,Tail gunner: Ed Schneider (10 Returned to Duty); ditched 24 miles NE of Bari, crew rescued by British ship and returned to Bari. WOLF PACK.
Delivered Cheyenne 14/2/43; Assigned 353BS/301BG Morrison 7/6/43; Oudna 6/8/43; {24m} transferred 429BS/2BG Massicault 14/11/43; Bizerte 2/12/43; Missing in Action {9m} Innsbruck 19/12/43 with Henry Vogel, ettg –George Solesbery, Radio Operator: Bill Boyer{Wounded in Action}, Ball turret gunner: Don Lewis{Wounded in Action}, Waist gunner: Ed Fennessey{Wounded in Action} (5 Prisoner of War); Co-pilot: Harry Ludwig, Navigator: Paul Ireland, Bombardier: Don Parks, Waist gunner: Earl Bengston,Tail gunner: Jim Redick (5 Killed in Action); shot down by enemy aircraft, two engines ko’d, no chutes seen, Missing Air Crew Report 1529.
Delivered Cheyenne 3/9/43; Gr Isle 27/9/43; Assigned 331BS/94BG Rougham 6/10/43; Salvaged 6/10/44. GRAND DUCHESS.
Delivered Tulsa 4/12/43; Boise 15/1/43; Wendover 27/2/43; Gowen 19/4/43; Tinker 9/6/43; Dalhart 9/7/43; with Chas Watkins force landed base 27/7/43; Written off 23/10/43.
Delivered Cheyenne 30/4/43; Smoky Hill 12/5/43; Bangor 6/6/43; Assigned 334BS/95BG [BG-J] Horham 15/6/43; 6m, battle damaged Oschersleben 28/7/43 with Bill Thomas, rest unknown (7 Returned to Duty); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Carl Cameron, Radio Operator: Rex Neely, Waist gunner: Harry Koukol (3POW-all bailed out) Missing Air Crew Report 215; crash landed Framlingham Airfield, Suffolk 13/8/43.
Delivered Cheyenne 28/5/43; Roswell 9/6/43; 3030 BU Roswell 2/6/44; 2509 BU Big Spring 31/7/44; 3705 BU Lowry 1/11/44; 3030 BU Roswell 8/12/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 9/10/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 11/2/43; Walker 23/2/43; Smoky 28/3/43; Kearney 25/4/43; Wendover 2/5/43; Kearney 21/5/43; Dow Fd 27/5/43; Assigned 350BS/100BG [LN-U] Podington 1/6/43; Thorpe Abbotts 9/6/43; transferred 360BS/303BG [PU-I] Molesworth 13/7/43; Missing in Action Kassel 30/7/43 with Bob Coggeswell, Co-pilot: Paul Tippet, Navigator: Ed Cobb, Bombardier: John Kennedy, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Gil Bengtson, Radio Operator: Ed Deerfield, Ball turret gunner: Paul Davis, Waist gunner: Elmer Peterson, Waist gunner: Alvin Etheredge, Tail gunner: Harry Timm (10 Returned to Duty); Enemy aircraft KO’d two engines & ditched North Sea, 25 miles off Felixstowe, Sfk; all crew picked up by Air Sea Rescue in 35 minutes! THE UPSTAIRS MAID.
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