In effect, the B-17G was the B-17F with the powered Bedinx chin turret fitted under the nose section. Design modifications included the Minneapolis-Honeywell electric turbo-supercharger regulators allowing manifold pressure, or boost, to be controlled by one control knob for all four engines. the pilot no longer had to worry about over-revving turbines or having to constantly tweak power controls to stop oil in regulator lines becoming sluggish. Another major difference was that the waist gunners were given anenclosure that protected them from the icy temperatures of high altitude with the position of the guns staggered to give them more room to manoeuvre. The tail gun position was also improved allowing a wider field of fire, a reflector sight, and hand held guns.
However, the new model B-17 also experienced its own operating difficulties. When fired at maximum elevation, the chin turret guns had a tendency to crack the plexiglass nose; a problem was solved by fitting blast barrels to each gun. The oil cooler regulator often failed to operate and could result in complete engine seizure. The ability to feather the propeller blades, in event of engine failture, was lost in the B-17G because the standpipe that held back sufficient oil to work the feathering tank was sacrificed in the quest for a lighter aircraft. This was a major design error and meant that, by the winter of 1943, the lack of feathering was a major reason for bomber loss. Urgent request were made by Groups for special modifications kits but it was only in September 1944 that B-17G’s arrived with these modifications built-in.
Fatal Error
Another serious problem on the B-17G was the lack of an engine fire extinguisher system. Designers had believed that it was ineffective so had left it out of the new model. In reality, the system had worked well and it was requested by Bomber Groups that it be re-introduced as soon as possible.
The B-17G was still tail heavy with the same centre of gravity problems as earlier models. However, by May 1944, when long-range fighter esort was effective defensive protection, gunners were not as busy as before and it was decided that one waist gunner be dispensed with. The radio romm gun, the least used in action, was got also rid of and the quanity of ammunition carried reduced. All these measures brought the centre of gravity nearer th a more acceptable position. In the las month of the war, when there was little enemy fighter activity, some Combat Wings flew without waist guns, ball turrets or chin turrets. Operational reports revealed an estimated 25mph increase in airspeed with the improved streamlining. In this period of the war flak batteries were a greater hazard than fighters and unneccesary gunner armor plate was removed to be replaced with laminated steel and canvas plates called “flak curtains”.
In total, the 8th Air Force received 6,500 B-17G’s. In March 1945, it could send 2,370 of them into combat operations. At the end of the war a total 1,301 B-17G’s had been shot down or reported missing in action.
Delivered Cheyenne 20/3/44; Kearney 5/4/44; Grenier 14/4/44; Assigned 711BS/447BG Rattlesden 20/4/44; Missing in Action Osnabruck 13/5/44 with Ray McClintock, Navigator: Stan Gillman, Bombardier: Walt Trotter, Radio Operator: Ben Little, Ball turret gunner: Bob Wallace, Waist gunner: John Gingrich, Waist gunner: Leon Bernedo,Tail gunner: John Young (8 Prisoner of War); Co-pilot: Bob Dalby{chute failed}, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Aubrey Teague (2 Killed in Action); flak, crashed Greffen, near Harsewinkel, 17 miles W of Bielefeld, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 4772.
Delivered Denver 13/12/43; Kearney 31/12/43; Nutts Corner, Belgium. ast, N. I. 17/1/44; ass 711BS/447BG [IR-A] Rattlesden 18/1/44; on local flight 29/2/44 Pilot: Larry Kinsinger, Co-Pilot: George Gaal, Navigator: Harry Lyons, Bombardier: John Dalap, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Clifton Driggs, Radio Operator: M. Bergen, Ball Turret Gunner: Paul Simpson, Waist Gunner: Theo Zigenfuss, Waist Gunner: Milton Norgard, Tail Gunner: Larry Wittnuhm, pass-Jim Saludo, pass-Henry Wostanoski (12RTD); unable to lower landing gear so bellied in at 1SAD Honington; sal 18/4/44.
Delivered Lincoln 12/10/44; Grenier 22/10/44; Assigned 414BS/97BG 772BS/463BG Celone 2/11/44; Missing in Action Bolzano 16/2/45 with Frank Hatch, Navigator: Joe McCartney, Bombardier: John Gripne, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: George Enos, Radio Operator: Ed Harter, Ball turret gunner: Francis Whitaker, Waist gunner: Chas Weimert, Waist gunner: Harry Klafta,Tail gunner: Norman Caddell (9POW/RTD?); Co-pilot: Harry Kline (Killed in Action); mid air coll with 44-6547, ditched Adriatic Sea; Missing Air Crew Report 12102. KWITURBITCHIN.
Delivered Lincoln 18/9/44; Grenier 30/9/44; Assigned 359BS/303BG [BN-C] Molesworth 28/10/44; battle damaged Lutzkendorf 9/2/45 with Jack Bailey, Merwin Hall (2 Returned to Duty); Bill Fisher, Bill McGuire, Carl Muller, Elwin Darden, Don Geng, Ed Bartkoski, Merle Eckert (7 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crash landed St Trond, Bel; Salvaged 17/3/45; Missing Air Crew Report 12230.
Delivered Dyersburg 2/4/44; 120 BU Greenville 12/6/44; 330 BU Dyersburg 1/3/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 17/12/45.
Delivered Hunter 2/10/44; Dow Fd 15/10/44; Assigned: 728BS/452BG Deopham Green 19/10/44; ex-Berlin 18/3/45 Pilot: Bill Bishop, Co-Pilot: Bob Barnes, Navigator: Bill Mullen, Bombardier: Whittaker Stephens, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Floyd Davies, Radio Operator: Monroe Bryan, Ball Turret Gunner: Orvill Garton, Waist Gunner: Russ Ardito, Tail Gunner: Henry Daniel (9KIA); mid air coll with 43-38982 (452BG), crashed North Sea off Holland. MACR 13560.
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