B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 44-8179 / Cadet Nurse aka Yankee Wolf

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-8179 / Cadet Nurse aka Yankee Wolf


  • RCL: BG-S

History of
B-17 44-8179 / Cadet Nurse aka Yankee Wolf

Delivered Dallas 30/6/44; Langley 27/7/44; Dow Fd 22/8/44; Assigned 336BS/95BG [ET-L] Horham 25/8/44; 335BS [OE-T]; 344BS [BG-S] battle damaged Cologne 17/10/44 with John Miller, Bombardier: Art Scroggins, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Manuel Houlis, – Harris pass), all [wia; Navigator: Lt David E Tyrrell; – Davis (Killed in Action); ? (5 Prisoner of War); crash landed Belgium. Repaired and returned to group, battle damaged Nurnberg 20/2/45 with John Roy; attacked by Me 163, force landed between Beauraing and Winnene, near Florennes, Bel; rep; with R.E. Parker, force landed A-78 Florennes AF, Bel; 26m, sal 9AF Germany 10/5/46. CADET NURSE aka YANKEE WOLF.

Last updated: 12. July 2017


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