B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-31666 / Miss Laid

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31666 / Miss Laid


MACR: 2579


History of
B-17 42-31666 / Miss Laid

Delivered Denver 2/12/43; Kearney 23/12/43; Memphis 1/1/44; New Castle 6/1/44; Morrison 10/1/44; Assigned 96BS/2BG Amendola 12/1/44; Missing in Action {10m} Steyr, Aus. 24/2/44 with Capt John Thalken, Co-pilot: Rich Gower, Navigator: Sam Mayer, Bombardier: Bill Williams, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Herman Sussman, Radio Operator: George Dean, Ball turret gunner: Karl Letters, Waist gunner: Bob Peterson, Waist gunner: Tom Bell,Tail gunner: Joe Peters (10 POW); enemy aircraft, ditched Mediterranean Sea but all rescued safely; Missing Air Crew Report 2579. MISS LAID,

Last updated: 11. November 2020


B-17 42-31666 / Miss Laid Details

Eyewitness Statements to the loss of B-17G #42-31666 ‘Miss Laid’

2nd Lt. Roger C. DeClements, co-pilot of B-17 No. 42-5777, 96th Squadron which was flying in the second wave, first squadron, second element, second plane.

We were on bomb run, about five minutes before bombs away, and plane No. 42-31666 was to the right and behind us, and somewhat below us. There were only on or two other planes in his squadron at this time. I saw a fighter coming in at 2 o’clock, level which closed to about 200 yards from No. 666 and he apparently got the pilot and co-pilot with his bursts. No. 666 nosed up momentarily and then went into a steep spiraling dive and that was the last I saw of it. It did not seem to be on fire.

2nd Lt. Roger C. DeClements

2nd Lt. Clarence W. Southern, co-pilot of B-17 No. 42-5233, 96th Squadron which was flying in the second wave, first squadron, first element, third plane.

While on bomb run, just after the I.P., at an altitude of 21000 feet I observed plane No. 42-31666 fail out of the formation, go straight up about 100 feet, sit there for about 30 seconds and burning under both wings, near the fuselage. No. 666 peeled off abruptly to the right and went into a steep dive. The pilot of No. 666 straightened it out for a moment then I saw two dark objects come out of the aircraft. Just after that No. 666 disappeared under my wing. That was the last I saw of the above plane.

2nd Lt. Clarence W. Southern

T/Sgt. Harold A. Troutman, upper turret gunner on B-17 No. 42-5777, 96th Squadron which was flying in the second wave, first squadron, second element, second plane.

Plane No. 42-31666 was still leading the second squadron on the bomb run, there was at least three other planes in the squadron. The first I noticed was when No. 666 started dropping back, and then it bursts into flames between the cockpit and No. 3 nacelle. The plane then headed up and climbed very steeply; then it nosed over momentarily and went into a spiraling dive and out of my range of vision.

T/Sgt. Harold A. Troutman

S/Sgt. Anthony J. Sikole, tail gunner on B-17 No. 42-5233, 96th Squadron which was flying in the second wave, first squadron, first element, third plane.

just after the I.P. the second squadron began to move into its trail position for the bomb run. At this time I happened to note the No. 2 engine on plane No. 42-31666 was on fire, then it lifted straight up, tipped on its right wing to swing back and clear, at this time I saw two parachutes come out and open. E/A were attacking all through this period and I was too busy to notice anything more.

S/Sgt. Anthony J. Sikole

S/Sgt. Carl. R. Foster, right waist gunner on B-17 No. 42-5777, 96th Squadron which was flying in the second wave, first squadron, second element, second plane.

I first saw plane No. 42-31666 as he was in a spiraling dive. Three man came out of the waist but only two of the chutes opened. The plane seemed to be on fire under No. 2 supercharger. I had no opportunity to observe anything else about No. 666.

S/Sgt. Carl. R. Foster


B-17 42-31666 / Miss Laid Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P CPT John W. Thalken POW
CP 2LT Richard L. Gower POW
BOMB 2LT William C. Williams POW
ENG/TT T/SGT Herman Sussman POW
RO T/SGT George O. Dean POW
BT S/SGT Karl J. Letters POW
WG S/SGT Thomas H. Bell, Jr. POW
WG S/SGT Robert T. Peterson POW
TG S/SGT Joseph A. Peters, Jr. POW

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