B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-31432 / Old Glory

B-17 #42-31432 / Old Gloryzoom_in



  • RCL: PU-N

MACR: 6541

Missions: 46


History of
B-17 42-31432 / Old Glory

Delivered Cheyenne 2/11/43; Assigned 360BS/303BG [PU-N] Molesworth 18/1/44. Missing in Action (46m) NW France A/Fds 22/6/44 with Pilot, Dale Fisher; Co-pilot, Carlos Johns; Navigator, Carl Felton; Bombardier, Carthel Gaskin; Flight engineer/top turret gunner, John King; Ball turret gunner: Bernie McKeever; Waist gunner, Vic Crandell; Tail gunner, Bob Cooper, 8 Killed in Action. Radio Operator, Bob Johnson, evaded capture. Flak hit in #3 followed by explosion, crashed Pont-a-Tressin, near Lille, France. Missing Air Crew Report 6541. OLD GLORY.

Last updated: 1. July 2022


B-17 42-31432 / Old Glory Details

Statement of 2nd Lt. Hector F. Vital:

On the mission to Lille, France on 22 June 1944, I was the pilot of aircraft 43-37654 which was flying in #3 position in the 4th flight of the high Group of the 41st B Combat Wing.

The missing aircraft #42-31432 was flying in #1 position in the same flight as shown by the diagram below. Just after bombs away on the target, the missing aircraft received a direct hit from anti-aircraft gunfire just back of #3 engine, probably in the gasoline tank. Immediately it burst into flames, spun off to the right and went down. Both wings snapped off as it went down. No one on my crew saw any chutes, but a man from another crew reported seeing one.

2nd Lt. Hector F. Vital

Source: MACR 6541

Statement by T/Sgt. Robert H. Johnson

Ship blew up in air. No one had on parachute except my self. To my knowledge, no one regained consciousness except my self.

All bodies were found by French. In or near parts of plane.

The French gave me the identification tags which they took from bodies. I carried those back to London.

He further explained in the Escape and Evasion Reports:

I came down near Saingain, France at 2000 hours, 22 June 1944. I was given help at once and sheltered until I met the American boys on September 3rd, 1944 at Saingain.


B-17 42-31432 / Old Glory Crew

Position Rank Name Status Note
P 1LT Dale M. Fisher KIA
CP 2LT Carlos H. Johns, Jr. KIA
BOMB 2LT Carthel O. Gaskin KIA
RO T/SGT Robert H. Johnson EVD
BT S/SGT Bernard E. McKeever KIA
WG S/SGT Victor P. Crandell KIA
TG S/SGT Robert M. Cooper KIA

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