B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies About this B-17 website
The history behind b17flyingfortress.de
My name is Jing Zhou, born in China and living in Germany since 1991. I am founder of this website about the legendary B-17 Flying Fortress.
And it all started with the movie “Memphis Belle”. I saw this movie in the mid-1990s. I was 14 or 15 years old and still went to school. At the end of the film, the Memphis Belle flew its 25th and last mission on 17 May 1943. My curiosity was aroused and I wanted to know if the film is based on a true story or a Hollywood story.

So I researched on the Internet. This is easier today than it was then. There were at that time no Flatrates, certainly not DSL. The dial-up was still via analog 54k modem and it was calculated every minute in the Internet. And of course, the internet was not filled with as much information as it is today.
But I was lucky and found the confirmation that the film “Memphis Belle” is actually based on a true story. And that the aircraft type is the Boeing B-17. This film became my absolute favorite movie. I watched it two times a day (video recording). Overall, I’ve determined it already 100 times.
From then on, I wanted to learn more. More about the Memphis Belle, more about the B-17, more about the air war, more about the hunting aircraft. Ultimately, my fascination with the B-17 remained.
Noseart & serial numbers
Every time I saw a photo of a B-17 with a noseart, I noted it. And it also wrote – as far as is known – the serial number. However still without sorting or order. Very simple in a text editor. One could say that the first ideas on a B-17 database at that time in my own children’s room originated.
Contact to Robert K. Morgan – Pilot of the original Memphis Belle

Over time, I collected as much as possible over the B-17. One day I was in the modeling business and found a model set from the B-17 “Memphis Belle”. And as you can imagine, I bought it. At that time, I had bought many aircraft models and built in my children’s room: Me-109, B-25, He-111, Ju-88, P-51, P-47, Avro Lancaster.
One day, the original documentary on the Memphis Belle on TV and in the TV newspaper was the image of 4 crewmembers. However, without name. I cut it out and kept it carefully. Again I became curious and wanted to know who is in the photo to see. I do not remember how I came up with the idea or where the address was found. In any case, I wrote Robert K. Morgan, pilot of the Memphis Belle and asked him to identify the 4 people. I also sent him two prints from my model of Memphis Belle and asked him to sign one and send it back to me.

The website version 1.0 til today.
All this meant that I then started creating a website. It was the first German-language website about the B-17 Flying Fortress. Even before Wikipedia. ?
Interested how it looks in the past?
Visit: https://web.archive.org/web/20020515000000*/http://b17flyingfortress.de
The first version went online in 2000. Still under the domain b17fortress.de. The first versions were still static HTML pages. Then it was a page with PHP. Then it became from about 2012 a little quiet for the next 5 years and since the end of March 2017 the website is based on WordPress with a specially designed WordPress theme of me with the attention to the database.
I’ve got to feel like it again.
16. July 2017 access_time 21:49
Sehr geehrter Herr Zhou,
Gratulation zu der guten Arbeit! Ich benötige dringend den MACR 388 zu der am 17.08.1943 abgestürzten
42-30017. Es existieren im Netz hierzu widersprüchliche Angaben. Die einen sagen, die Maschine sei bei Wernsberg abgestürzt, die anderen bei Bingen. Ich benötige weiter dringend eine gesicherte Aussage, in welcher an diesem Tag abgeschossenen Maschine sich der Staff Sergeant William E. (Bill) Roberts befand. Angeblich in der 30017, aber auch hier scheint nicht alles zu stimmen. Ich denke, der originale MACR wird die beste Quelle sein. Können Sie helfen, haben Sie Kontakte?
Beste Grüße
Hubertus Klink
17. July 2017 access_time 9:10
Sehr geehrter Herr Klink,
vielen Dank für das Lob!
Die MACR gibt es auf der Seite fold3.com:
Die schlechte Nachricht: Ein Premium-Account ist für diese Seite notwendig um das Dokument zu sehen.
Die gute Nachricht: Es gibt einen 7-tägigen Testzeitraum, wo sie kostenlos auf “Premium”-Dokumente zugreifen und so die benötigten Informationen hoffentlich aus der MACR 388 hoffentlich herausfinden können 😉
Viele Grüße
Jing Zhou
26. March 2021 access_time 21:42
I’m doing research on the Superstitious Alowytious/ Pilot/Mark Cope, this is my late uncle’s plane, he never talked about the plane, just curious.
31. May 2021 access_time 1:40
Hallo Herr Klink,
die Besatzung der B-17F 42-30017 wurde durch den Gend. Posten Waldalgesheim, Kreis Kreuznach gefangen genommen, der S/Sgt. William E. Roberts gehörte als BTG zu dieser Besatzung, von der ich u.a ein Foto habe.
Günther Wagner
07. June 2024 access_time 20:30
Hello Gunter,
My grandfather (Charles T Hinckley) was the Co-Pilot on B-17 42-30017, and served with S/Sgt Roberts that you mention. I would love to see any photos you have of Roberts, or anyone else who may have served on this plane.
My grandfather documented his experience as a POW through a journal and drawings. I am working to digitize these documents now, and would love to share them once I am complete…if that interests you.
My apologies, I don’t speak German, I used Google Translate to translate your post. I hope to hear back from you!
Best Regards,
18. September 2017 access_time 15:31
Guten Tag,
ich suche nach der genauen Angabe der Quelle für diesen Absturz:
11.01.1944, Angriff auf Oscherleben, B-17, 42-37896
Bob Hallden, Co-pilot: Ray Gentry (2 Killed in Action), Navigator: Gerard Limon, Bombardier: John Hubenschmidt, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Henry Beben, Radio Operator: Dalton Hutchins, Ball turret gunner: Clyde Moore, Waist gunner: Bob Robinson, Waist gunner: Henry Hays,Tail gunner: Carl Chatoir (8 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft shot off tail, crashed Kirchlengern, 22 miles E of Osnabruck, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1930.
Ich wohne selbst in Kirchlengern und habe bisher noch nichts über diesen Absturz hier gehört.
Uwe Klitsch
19. September 2017 access_time 8:24
Hallo Herr Klitsch, die Angaben über den Absturzort finden sich z.B. in den MACR 1930:
Ach hier wird Kirchlengern als “Place of death” genannt:
20. September 2017 access_time 15:00
Danke für die Links. Kirchlengern scheint aber nicht als Absturzstelle in Frage zu kommen. Ich habe hier in den Heimatvereinen nachgefragt und die Archive durchwühlt. Wahrscheinlich ist die Maschine noch ein Stück geflogen und die Springer sind außerhalb der Gemeinde Kirchlengern und des Kreises Herford gelandet.
Viele Grüße
20. September 2017 access_time 16:31
Danke für die neuen Erkenntnisse Ihrer Recherche. Die Angaben im MACR sind nicht immer zu 100% genau. Das ist die Erfahrung, die ich bisher gemacht habe.
Viele Grüße
07. February 2018 access_time 11:29
Hello Jing
Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your website, I can see and know how much work went into it and still is.
Thank you for giving credit to my website on the photos you used, appreciate that.
May 17 I will be in Ohio to see the Memphis Belle and the exhibition opening.
07. February 2018 access_time 11:33
Hi Andy, thank you for your commitment too with your website.
Have fun in Ohio. Take good photos there 😉
Unfortunately I never saw a B-17 in real life.
16. May 2018 access_time 1:33
Thanks for making and keeping up this web site! My uncle was a WWII B-17 mechanic who died in 1998. I recently found his photo albums and it’s like turning back the clock.
16. May 2018 access_time 11:47
Thank you!
17. June 2018 access_time 2:42
Like your website and having close interest with the B17. I am named after my uncle which died on the B17 on Dec. 31 1943. He was a navigator and went down in the channel. Thank You.
05. August 2019 access_time 15:19
Your uncle’s B-17:
22. October 2018 access_time 1:35
Hey there Jing…. I came across your story, and thought you might have some interest in mine. My Uncle was nose gunner/toggelier on B-17G Flying Fortress s/n
44-8436 “FORT WORTH JAIL HOUSE” I created 10 huge artwork plaques to honor each crew member. People around the World have called it the single greatest depiction of a B-17 ever. Send me your direct e-mail so I can discuss making you a Super Gift. R.W.
23. October 2018 access_time 20:30
Thanks Roger! 😉
We are mailing!
22. November 2018 access_time 14:21
Love and respect your work. My dad was a ball turret Gunner in the 334th squadron. So many questions we wish we had asked before he passed in 1998. He Always watched as a plane flew overhead, a look on his face I’ll never forget. I still have an old yellow letter describing the units action and awarding the DUC. His name was Maurice Murphy from Worcester MA. Have you any information on he or his plan crewmatee
22. November 2018 access_time 14:30
Hello Kelly,
I could only find out, that his rank was Private. No more information about plane or other crew members.
You can check here: http://95thbg.org/j3migr/honor-roll
06. January 2019 access_time 0:39
Hallo Herr Zhou,
very interesting website… In meiner näheren Umgebung sind damals einige B-17 niedergegangen, also abgestürzt. Entsprechende Funde von Trümmerteilen und die riesige Bergungs- und Entschärfungsaktion von elf 500-Pfund-Bomben im Jahr 2013 war und ist noch immer groß im Gespräch. Einer meiner Bekannten befasst sich mit den Geschichten rundherum näher und hat gerade vorletztes Jahr eine ziemlich interessante Story dazu aufgedeckt und ein Buch geschrieben.
Als ich Ihre Website entdeckt habe, dachte ich mir: “This might be interesting for you as well.” If you’d like to have a look:
Aber vielleicht kennen Sie das auch schon. Kurzinfos zu dem Absturz sind mittlerweile auch für den “Ottonormalverbraucher” bei Wikipedia gelistet, Stichwort “Flugzeugkollision über der Dippoldiswalder Heide”.
Freundliche Grüße
06. January 2019 access_time 11:16
Hallo Linda,
vielen Dank für den Buchtipp. Notiere ich mir schon mal 🙂
Die beiden B-17 habe ich in der Tat schon in meiner Datenbank und zusätzlich auch mit Verweis auf die Wikipedia-Seite:
Die Seriennummer von 44-8903 ist auf der Wikipedia-Seite nicht korrekt, dort fehlt die 8.
Viele Grüße
15. January 2019 access_time 5:56
I’m doing research on Miss Gayle Lynn 43-38211.
Your account of of what caused plane to go down and at what precise time of mission differs from 100th Bomb Group Foundation. Their account is supposedly based on eyewitness accounts from other accounts.
Trying to sort out facts. Let me know your take.
15. January 2019 access_time 8:27
Hello Jerry, I checked the MACR on website of the 100th BG Fondation. The said, that the B-17 was shot shown just “after bombs away”, my source said shot down just before bombs away. Do you mean that?
Link to B-17: https://b17flyingfortress.de/en/b17/43-38211-miss-gail-lynn/
12. June 2019 access_time 6:42
Your site is very interesting. I have several thousend B-17 photos from a writer that worked for Boeing’ He did 4 B-17 books for detail & scale. Alwyn T. Lloyd. was his name. I have book layout for 25th BG, 91st BG, 92nd BG, 97th BG. and 15 more. I also have folders on other BG with letters from different men that flew in the planes. I also have all the paper work from the 2nd Bombardment Group . Larry
27. February 2021 access_time 23:26
Hi Larry,
I’m new to this group and your comment on having the paper work from the 2nd Bomb Group caught my eye.
My uncle, 2nd Lt. Aubrey Poindexter, was KIA on 3/14/45 on aircraft 44-6428, Mission 377. He was part of the 2nd Bomb Grp, 20th Bomb Sqd.
Was wondering if you had any info you could share?
13. June 2019 access_time 1:02
My uncle,william Mays died 8/251944 on the b17 big time.thanks for the website and info. Dave Mays
31. July 2019 access_time 0:34
my uncle,Franklin Zerbe,flew as co-pilot of the B-17 Holy Smokes ,he was a 1st LT in the 388th as well as the 560th bomb squad,,,,,i can not find a picture of his aircraft,can u help me?,ive been fasinated as well as you were about the ships,,,,,,,,,,my uncle told me storys as far back as the late 1960s,and 70s about his missions,,,,,,,,,,,,i appreciate any help,and THANK YOU,for keepin this all alive,,,,,Regards,,,,,,,,,, Mark A. Pelc
05. August 2019 access_time 15:17
Hello Mark,
finally, I found a photo of the B-17 Holy Smokes:
Maybe your uncle wasn’t on the last flight in this B-17.
03. August 2019 access_time 3:33
Found the site searching for my great uncle who was a passenger on the B 17 Ready Freddie. The search started to find out how he died and landed me here. I only was told that he died in the war. Do you have the names of the men pictured next to the plane? Although I doubt any are him because the unclassified documents say he was a last minute passenger with a few others, looking to visit another base.
05. August 2019 access_time 15:09
Hello Keen,
few men could identified by other from the source, including the pilot from last and fatal flight:
Photo taken in July 1944.
09. August 2019 access_time 3:07
My uncle, Frederick Jones, was the pilot of Nov. 26, 1943 when his plane (B-17 42-30015) was shot down by Rastede, Germany . Everyone on board was killed. Do you know where I can find any photos of him with the plane and crew. My dad, his brother, is still alive and would love to see some.
Thank you,
Larry Jones Belfast, Maine USA
04. November 2019 access_time 16:27
Researching my grandfather, 1st Lt. John F. Pettenger. He and his crew of the Vibrant Virgin were shot down 10/8/43. Not having a lot of luck…any suggestions on where to search or anything you may have would be appreciated. Looking for articles, photos, anything really.
05. November 2019 access_time 11:26
Hello Gayla,
base on information I have, your grandfather was in this B-17:
#42-30275 / Vibrant Virgin had an other crew, when it failed to return on August 10th 1943.
11. November 2019 access_time 3:45
Thank you for your site! My Grandpa is Kenneth Oliver Hale pilot of Queenie. Through your site we actually learned Grandpa’s plane was named “Gremlin’s Hotel” aka Queenie.
Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day in the United States. Grandpa is 102 Years old and is still very much as sharp as ever.
Thank you again for your site.
12. November 2019 access_time 17:04
Hello Kevin,
I am happy, that my web site helped you 🙂
11. November 2019 access_time 19:58
How can I find out how many missions the b-17 Lady Bedlam aka grin n bear it flew and when? My father was in the aircraft when it was shot down over Frankfurt on feb 4 1944 and I think it was destroyed but I’m not certain
12. November 2019 access_time 16:56
Please contact the owner of the facebook-page:
May he have the mission logs of your father’s B-17
26. February 2020 access_time 18:35
Sir, I want to thank you for all of the excellent work you have done on this web site. I had the pleasure of knowing Chuck Strode, the bombardier on Command Performance, 42-31508. All of your facts about the plane are just as he told me. The two fatalities on that last mission were both waist gunners. An interesting story about this airplane. The last 3 numbers on the tail, 508, added up to 13. The last mission was Chuck’s 13th, and took place on the 13th of April. After safely parachuting out, Chuck was captured, and spent 13 months as a POW. His camp was liberated by the Russians, who gave the prisoners food and weapons, and told them the GI’s would be along later. Chuck stayed in room 13, with 12 other guys, so there were 13 altogether. thirteen days later, the American army showed up, and after he was liberated, it took him 13 weeks to get home. I know I have forgotten parts of the story, but in all, there were 13 coincidences of 13! Chuck said that the number 13 had always been lucky for him.
28. February 2020 access_time 18:08
Thank you for sharing Chuck Strode’s story and his lucky number 13.
Incredible 13 😉
02. March 2020 access_time 0:10
Jing, love your site. My dad was a mechanic in the 390th, i have a few pictures he took while serving, would love to share them with you. Let me know how.
04. March 2020 access_time 13:06
Hello Wayne,
I sent you an email.
Please check 😉
Thank you!
22. April 2020 access_time 14:13
Mr. Zhou,
I have a copy of the log book of American pilot Capt. Richard H. Claeys, who flew 71 missions with the 367th Bomb Squadron. It only lists tail numbers, not full serial numbers. Let me know if you would like the pdf of photos of the pages.
Captain Claeys is my brother’s namesake. He was a close friend of my father’s family. He survived the war and continued flying transports in Europe. He was killed in 1946 when his C47 was shot down after straying over Yugoslovia.
24. April 2020 access_time 22:31
Hello Tom,
I send you an email.
Please check.
22. May 2020 access_time 5:28
My father was a waist gunner on the B-17 Battle Queen Peg O My Heart. His plane was shot down and crash landed in Utzenstorf, Switzerland during the Battle of Regensburg on August 17, 1943. He was interred in Adelboden until his escape in
December 1944. I am looking for descendants from his crew. Thank you for honoring the brave men of the Mighty Eighth.
16. June 2020 access_time 10:16
Hi Patricia
Hope your father was just interned in Adelboden, not interred… 😉
There’s a small museum in Utzenstorf which is dedicated to the B-17 “Battle Queen”:
I’m sure they will be able to give you the information you are looking for.
16. June 2020 access_time 18:26
Hello Patricia
Please contact me, I’m looking for you
Please send me an e-mail
Many thanks for your efforts
Kind regards
16. June 2020 access_time 19:05
@Rolf & Jacqueline,
Ich habe Patricia eine Email geschrieben und über eure Antworten informiert.
Ich hoffe, Patricia melde sich!
Viele Grüße
27. June 2020 access_time 11:51
Ist vielleicht was für die Seite, MicroProse, die in der Vergangenheit die Spiel B17 Flying Fortress und B17 The Mighty Eight herrausgebracht haben, sind anscheinend wieder im Geschäft. Und sie haben ein B17 Game angekündigt. Ich habe die B17 Spiele lange und ausdauernd gespielt. Vielleicht ist es eine gute Idee, das Spiel hier auf der Seite im Auge zu behalten, da es sicher die Vorgänge im Inneren eines B17 Bombers gut beleuchten wird. So wie es die Vorgänger getan haben. Link zu “The Mighty Eight”
Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Rai
27. June 2020 access_time 16:47
Hallo Rai,
ich kenne die zwei Spiele von Microprose. Habe beide ausgiebig und sehr oft gespielt.
Ich freue mich auf die neue Version. Dazu müsste ich wohl meinen PC aufrüsten 😉
Es bleibt spannend!
03. July 2020 access_time 2:23
My Dad Arnard Kinney Tsgt was a radio operator/gunner on B17G-60 BO 42-10288..1943-44. North Africa/Italy..He flew 27 missions and returned to be an instructor in Kansas..Any info would be much appreciated..
12. July 2020 access_time 3:01
This is nice to be able to see your efforts for the rest of us history buffs.Thanks
29. August 2020 access_time 17:16
My father was ground support for 97BG/340BS. I have a small picture that he took, that I have yet to scan, of 42-30384. When it has been scanned, i will send it to you if you want it and can tell me how best to get it to you. It has tail art with the name “Sirocco” painted just above the horizontal stabilizer. Probably taken at Diepienne. Thanks for all of your hard work!!!!
29. August 2020 access_time 17:59
Hello Mike,
I sent you an email.
Please check.
13. September 2020 access_time 18:21
Seem to be having trouble with exchanging email messages. I’ll keep trying
13. September 2020 access_time 19:18
ok. Hope you can solve the problem.
31. October 2020 access_time 1:13
My Uncle Mickey Butler passed two days ago at 97. He was a radioman and aerial gunner on the B-17 Mary Lou (named for the pilot’s mother), flying 50 missions. Two years ago, in honor of WWII veterans, he was interviewed by the local tv station about his experiences in the Mary Lou over the Ploesti oil fields in Romania. If you are interested, I could send you the link for the interview.
08. November 2020 access_time 0:18
hello my Dad, Julius Wayne Lester, was a belly turret gunner, his plane was shot down in English channel, all survived and were picked up by a crew of boat nearby, can you provide any info on the mission and raid they were on then, i believed he served from 1942 – 45, any info would be greatly appreciated, also a crew member was named Toby and he was from Indiana, my Dad from KY.
08. November 2020 access_time 11:11
Hello Kathy,
I only found his partial records information here:
Do you have more information above his unit or date, when he ditched into the English Channel?
06. January 2021 access_time 20:16
My dad, Robert Fowler, was the co-pilot on 42-37763 that was shot down on a mission to Bremen on 12/20/43. The pilot (Riley) got stuck when he tried to bail out and went down with the plane that was full of bombs and survived. The bomber crashed near Sillenstede, Germany and I look forward to seeing it on your map in the future. I went there in 2015. Keep up the good work!
13. February 2021 access_time 19:26
My uncle Ray Lawton was a radioman on a B-17. 390th BG,570th squadron flew 25 missions shot down twice died at the age of 90 in 2015 in Plano, TX. Charles Gordon Walsdorf Mandeville, LA. ( I have a copy of his plane #7784 and crew)
05. July 2021 access_time 8:03
I am interested in the aircraft number. My uncle flew with the 369th squadron. He is pictured with his crew in front of their b-17 which displays 7784 on the cp side. He was the ro of the ac between 1944 and 45
20. February 2021 access_time 23:06
Thank you for making this site. I am researching the Man-O-War as my Grand Uncle was the 11th man on board that last mission on Nov. 9h, 1942. If you have any more information on this ship please send it to my email address. thank you again for an outstanding contribution to history. Cheers.
24. February 2021 access_time 17:09
what’s your great uncle’s name and do you have the serial number of the B-17?
06. March 2021 access_time 15:58
Uncle s name Donold E Dorion B17- 42-5394 306bg,367bs macr15516 crash benthullen mission 52 Bremen 4/17/43
06. March 2021 access_time 15:49
306bg,367bs b17/ 42-5394H mission 52 Bremen Germany 4/17/43 -macr15516 / benthullen Donald dorion my uncle
11. March 2021 access_time 11:57
Thank you for this. Consolidating this, waynesjournal and the MACR helped me track my great uncle. He was a waist gunner on this B-17G that went down near Echzell during the 390th group 569th squadron raid on Zellhausen on December 24, 1944: http://24december1944.com/macr-11116
Reports said the B17 exploded in mid-air and no parachutes were seen but 6 on that flight were penciled in as RTD (Returned to Duty) and seem to have been held as POWs for a time. I’ve not heard from any of these survivors or know the plane’s exact whearabouts but my uncle did not survive.
30. May 2021 access_time 21:02
My uncle Donald e dorion staff Sgt service no10600478 Kia over Bremen MACR 1?5516 benthulin , this is a nice site you have ,found another you may w ant to view —-honor states.org keep up the good work jing I’m enjoying and appreciating this site
30. May 2021 access_time 21:05
My uncle Donald e dorion staff Sgt service no10600478 Kia over Bremen MACR 15516 , this is a nice site you have ,found another you may w ant to view —-honor states.org keep up the good work jing I’m enjoying and appreciating this site
01. June 2021 access_time 6:44
Really nice collection of B-17 information! Small correction, B-17E 41-2472 was delivered to and flown by my grandfather and his name was Frederick Key not Francis Key. His brother Al Key also flew B-17s in the Pacific and then B-24s in Europe.
03. June 2021 access_time 20:37
Thank you, I have updated the description of this B-17.
05. July 2021 access_time 7:30
I recently received a picture of my uncle and the crew he served with in front of their b-17. He flew with the 369th. The nose has 7784 written on the cp side. Would this be part of the serial number?
05. July 2021 access_time 7:49
Hello Craig, yes it could be a part of the serial number. Probably this B-17: https://b17flyingfortress.de/en/b17/42-97784/
It seems, it was a training aircraft.
05. July 2021 access_time 8:04
Thank you
05. July 2021 access_time 17:09
Hello Craig, the a/c 7784 wasn’t the aircraft your uncle flew with the 369th Bomb Squadron.
I recommend you to search his name on the 306th BG web site. You can find a lot there:
05. July 2021 access_time 16:06
Pretty cool site. My dad was a bombardier on the John Connelly Flying Fortress in Wings over Europe. He was 1st Lieutenant and flew 32 missions. He was awarded the Distinguised Flying Cross. I have a whole bundle of things he had and brought home with him – including every bomb tag he ever dropped, each one has the date and target. I have his leather bomber jacket which they painted with 32 bombs and his name. Training manuals, papers galore.
He never really spoke of his time in the force, unless asked, but these documents speak volumes.
05. July 2021 access_time 17:10
Hello Chris, thank you for sharing your father’s story. 🙂
24. November 2021 access_time 0:50
My father was shot down in 42-97685 on 11/25/1944 on a mission from Foggia to Austria. He bailed on in current day Slovenia. A guy on the internet said he knew the tail number from wreckage in southern Austria, but he dropped out of contact soon after making that post. Do you know of any resources that could validate/identify/locate the wreckage? Thanks, Al Spohn
11. December 2021 access_time 14:54
I’m on a never ending mission to find my father’s WWII 8th Army Air Force service information. He is: John Edward Graf from Lockport, Niagra County, NY. Born 6/21/1924 – Died 1/6/2012. He was a pilot with the 94th Bomb Group stationed at Bury St. Edmunds in 1944-1945. His B17 was named “Government Girl”. I have his “Lucky Bastard Club” plaque as well as eight 1945 mission plans (jpg images) that list “Graf” and his B17 in the group formations. Happy to forward all info I have to you if you could use it.
12. December 2021 access_time 11:36
You may find the 94th Bomb Group Database Facebook page useful. They have copies of the mission charts you mention and I was able to see your Father listed flying 3 different B-17s. They have photos of 2 of these aircraft. The records of these planes don’t show them as being assigned to the 94th which makes research difficult.
This is aircraft 557 https://www.facebook.com/94thBombGroup/photos/a.172487456208213/105491386241154/.
This is aircraft 726 https://www.facebook.com/94thBombGroup/photos/a.172487456208213/156059057851053/.
15. March 2023 access_time 1:23
My father was the flight engineer on the Government Girl and I also have his “Lucky Bastard Club” certificate. I remember my parents going to reunions in Florida to meet with other crew members of the 94th. Your father was the pilot of the B-17 my dad was a crew member of. When I was in Vietnam Nam I was lucky enough to speak your dad’s co-pilot, I believe his name was Bruner, it was only a meeting, how I wish it could have been longer. Dad had a small practice smoke bomb with all their missions written on it, but over the years, with kids handling it, most of the history faded away.
16. March 2023 access_time 18:24
Hi William, thanks for dropping me a line about our fathers and their B-17 experiences! I so rarely hear from anyone about it and am always looking for more info about his flights, crews, pictures, stories, etc. My email is pegrafics@gmail.com if you want to send a personal email and share anything else, pictures, about this. Thanks Again! Paul
04. February 2022 access_time 17:33
My father was Co-pilot Dana F. Dudley aboard the Thunderbird (41-24437) when it had 2 engines shot out in N. Africa. Earnie Pyle wrote a story about the incident that took place on 1/12/1943. Does anyone have any information about this crew?
13. July 2023 access_time 18:51
For serial number 41-24521, the name “The Joker’s Wild” is actually on the port (left) side and the name “Black Jack” is actually on the starboard (right) side. Don’t feel bad. It is incorrectly identified on the American Air Museum in Britain site as well.
16. September 2023 access_time 3:24
My Great Uncle S/SGT Guy Wyatt was a waist gunner aboard the B-17 “Desperate Journey” I have very limited info on his plane and would like to find any pictures of him or the crew or plane. I have only began my research into his plane and would appreciate any info associated with it. Thank you and God bless.
11. November 2023 access_time 1:23
My late father was a Navigator on B-17 based in Basingborn RAF base. Flew 25 missions over Europe. His best friend from Basic Training was the co-pilot you mention in “My Prayer” in your article about the Schweinfurt raid. He only recently passed away at age 100 – He had been a P.O.W. in Germany after being shot down on a subsequent mission over Germany. Thank you for creating this page. We learn from history – or should, anyway.
13. November 2023 access_time 10:30
Guten Tag,
der Dorfverein Alschbach eV. wird anlässlich des Flugzeugabsturzes am 25.02.1944 einen Gedenkstein aufstellen. Das abgestürzte Flugzeug war die B17G 42.31431 “Solid Sender”, 447 Bomb Group 8th USAAF, das am besagten Tag auf unserer Gemarkung abstürzte. Alle Besatzungsmitglieder haben überlebt und konnten nach der Gefangenschaft wieder zurück nach Amerika. ZU dem Gedenkstein wollen wir eine dreisprachige Infotafel mit aufstellen. Dort sollen auch Angaben über das Flugzeug mit einer Zeichnung und das Wappen der 447 Bomb Group aufgedruckt werden. Können Sie mir weiterhelfen ob wir hierzu eine Erlaubnis benötigen? Wenn ja, sind da Ansprechpartner bekannt? Danke für die Bemühungen
28. April 2024 access_time 2:35
Hello! – I love your site and will be exploring asap! – My dad was a B17 pilot with the 306th Bomb Group at Thurleigh, England. I was just trying to look up his plane, and I have a phone with its number showing, but it’s not working in your search and does not seem to be the right format! On the tail: 231454 – Please advise!
29. April 2024 access_time 19:09
The likely a/c is 42-31454. The 42 is year and the 4 was omitted as was the dash when painted on the tail hence why you only have 231454. Just ask ‘St Anthony’ patron saint of lost object’s as you search full number and you will find it 😉
17. September 2024 access_time 3:25
My Father was Radio Operator/Belly gunner on a B-17 shot down May 1943 on his first mission. I do not know the serial number of the plane but it was named “The Real McCoy” which was the pilots last name. My father was a p.o.w for 2 years after that, he rarely talked about his time in the service and he passed away in 1981.
His name was also Peter R. Brasic and he was a Master Sgt. and was born on March 9th 1917. I really appreciate your website and all of the information it contains. I am trying to find out more information about this plane and it’s demise. He said all crew members survived except the tail gunner. I was really trying to find a picture of the plane if one is in existance. My nephew is ex military and he is very interested in my fathers past in a B-17 Bomber. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Peter Brasic Jr.
04. December 2024 access_time 3:45
Thank you, Jing!