B-17G-35-DL: 42-106984 to 42-107233
- Bomb Group:
- 398th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 600th Bomb Squadron
- RCL: N8-T
MACR: 7221
History of
B-17 42-107218 / Agony Wagon II
Delivered Tulsa 27/3/44; Kearney 5/4/44; Grenier 21/4/44; Assigned 600BS/398BG [N8-T] Nuthampstead 3/5/44; (17m) Missing in Action Leipzig 7/7/44 with Roger Folger, Navigator: Bill Moses, Bombardier: Chas Busbee, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Paris, Radio Operator: John Quinn, Ball turret gunner: Calvin Harvey, Waist gunner: John Schneider,Tail gunner: Lou Zeller (8 Prisoner of War); Ray Hopp (KIA, shot in esacpe attempt); flak, crashed Bad Dueben, near Leipzig, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 7221. AGONY WAGON II.
Last updated: 27. December 2021
B-17 42-107218 / Agony Wagon II Details
Eyewitness Description of Missing Aircraft B-17G #42-107218
We were flying high squadron, lead group number two ship. Just after bombs away I heard over the interphone that Lt. Folger’s ship had left formation. I saw it go into a slight dive to the right. It pulled out about ten thousand feet.
The last I saw of it, it was headed back into the flak over the target Leipzig, Germany and under control. There were no chutes that I could see.
S/Sgt. Richard B. Jessop
Tail Gunner B-17G #42-107096
I was ridding as tail gunner of the lead ship, high squadron of the lead group. We had just finished our bombing run when I noticed a ship from our formation falling behind in what seemed to be an undercontrolled bank to the left. The pilot righted the ship and seemed headed back for our formation when the ship seemed to fall off a second time — this time to the right. This time when the ship appeared to get under control, it was headed back for the city of Leipzig in a long glide at about ten thousand feet. I couldn’t say whether or not it was under control, though it well could have been. I watched it continue this glide unti it disappeared from my view over the city. When I looked at our lead squadron #6 ship was missing to I assumed that the ship I saw was it.
S/Sgt. John F. Kolafa
Tail Gunner B-17G #42-102600
We were flying number two ship in the high squadron. Just after bombs away I saw the rear left ship in the lead squadron peel off to the right in a slight dive and go back over the target at about ten thousand feet through heavy flak. The last I saw of him he was headed in the opposite direction from our formation. I saw no one bail out and the ship was not in flames.
T/Sgt. James J. Burk
TTG B-17G #42-107096
Source: MACR 7221
B-17 42-107218 / Agony Wagon II Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 2LT | Robert A. Folger | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Raymond C. Hopp | KIA | - |
NAV | 2LT | William F. Moses | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Charles R. Busbee | POW | - |
ENG/TT | S/SGT | John J. Paris | POW | - |
RO | S/SGT | John P. Quinn | POW | - |
BT | SGT | Calvin D. Harvey | POW | - |
WG | SGT | John G. Schneider, Jr. | POW | - |
TG | SGT | Louis Zeller | POW | - |
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