B-17F-30-DL: 42-3149 to 42-3188
- Bomb Group:
- 379th Bomb Group
- 95th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 336th Bomb Squadron
- 524th Bomb Squadron
- 527th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 954 / KSU/ME/KU: 367
Missions: 3
History of
B-17 42-3176 / Spook II aka Lady Astrid
Delivered Cheyenne 10/3/43; Dow Fd 10/4/43; Assigned 336BS/95BG [ET-K] SPOOK II Framlingham 21/5/43; Horham 15/6/43; 3m, transferred 527BS/379BG [FO-E] Kimbolton 22/6/43; 524BS [WA-E]; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 14/10/43 with Alden Johnson, Radio Operator: Antonio Velasquez, Ball turret gunner: Raoul Rosseau, Waist gunner: Jim Locke, Waist gunner: Ralph Scripter,Tail gunner: Gene Johnson (6 Killed in Action), Co-pilot: Warren Holtsberg, Navigator: Vince Tapping, Bombardier: Lou Dubois, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ben Brittain (4 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed in Limburger Forest, near Dornheim, W of Darmstadt, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 954. LADY ASTRID.
Last updated: 30. July 2022
B-17 42-3176 / Spook II aka Lady Astrid Details
The call to bail out was given after being attacked by a fighter. I made my way down to check on crew & see if they all bailed. The interphone had gone out when suddenly an 88mm exploded in the waist area. I was wounded & believe so was the Bombardier. I saw that it appeared to be total destruction of our waist section and all there were either dead or unconscious. There was no way to reach them. I believe all were dead. The rest of us bailed just before the ship exploded.
Warren E.Holtsberg
Sergeant Herman Richter of the Wehrmacht reports his observations.
I was on the iron tower on the Schwanenberg near Iphofen as an observation post during the attack on Schweinfurt on 14.10.1943. From here, the approach of the enemy aircraft from the Schweinfurt area.
I was on the iron tower on the Schwanenberg near Iphofen as an observation post during the attack on Schweinfurt on October 14th, 1943.
From here, the approach of the enemy aircraft from the Schweinfurt area could be closely observed.
I counted a total of 228 aircraft that flew nearby our observation tower on their way out of Schweinfurt.
When the enemy aircraft left Schweinfurt, heading to the direction of Nuremberg began and the aircraft flew nearby our observation tower, I saw at 14:55 hours that one aircraft peeled out of the formation to the left, lost altitude and hit the forest near Dornheim with fire on impact at a distance of about 10 km.
Crash site
Based on the coordinates (r: 3598350 h: 550165e) in MACR 954/KU 367, #42-3176 / Spook II aka Lady Astrid crashed in a forest near Dornheim. About 45 km south of Schweinfurt. The Dornheim west of Darmstadt is therefore not correct.

Based on original photo description. The crew photo was taken on 11 October 1943. Three days before their final mission.
B-17 42-3176 / Spook II aka Lady Astrid Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 1LT | Alden C. Johnson | KIA | Rear left in the photo |
CP | 2LT | Warren E. Holtsberg | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | Vincent E. Tapping | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Louis E. Dubois | POW | - |
ENG/TT | SGT | Benjamin B. Brittain | POW | - |
RO | S/SGT | Antonio A. Velasquez | KIA | - |
BT | S/SGT | Raoul A. Rousseau | KIA | - |
WG | S/SGT | James R. Locke | KIA | - |
WG | S/SGT | Ralph K. Scripter | KIA | - |
TG | S/SGT | Eugene T. Johnson | KIA | - |
11. December 2017 access_time 0:01
I wish to contact any surviving crew of Lady Astrid/Spook 2 or Pegasus. I am the grandson of Alden C Johnson, KIA in this plane as pilot.
23. November 2018 access_time 6:53
I am the nephew of Ralph h k Scripter, waist gunner. I found this site only by accident, and would enjoy talking with you if you get this. I will not not bore you with details but think I have information that might help you with your research. Where did you find this photograph? I never knew it existed. Our family has the one of the crew right after they ditched their first aircraft. Named the gremlin, but they had renamed it Pegasus.
23. November 2018 access_time 8:43
I found this photo on https://www.fold3.com/image/48252117 (maybe registration for free account required to see the photo). I did not known other photos. Do you want to share the information with me?
25. November 2018 access_time 23:33
I can share the photo for the crew with you, and I am still looking for the story that came with the photo. Please share my message with Ken Johnson. I have been to the small town where his grandfather and my uncle were shot down and buried before the end of the war.
Can I paste photos right to this comment section, or is there another site or email you use to get email?
26. November 2018 access_time 8:24
Hi Clinton, please sent me the photo to: info@b17flyingfortress.de. The original description of the photo above noted: A Crew Of The 379Th Bomb Group Pose Beside The Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress” ‘Lady Astrid’ At An 8Th Air Force Base In England, 11 October 1943.
If this is right, so the photo took just 3 days before their lost.
I have informed Ken about the new comments here.
22. September 2020 access_time 13:51
I have a letter about the ditching in the channel that I can share with you. I’m not quite sure how to share it. I would also be interested in seeing the pictures you have of the Gremlin. I’m Kens sister, Aldens Grand daughter. I’ve been going through my grandfathers records. I might have more of interest.
07. June 2019 access_time 3:01
Please forgive me. It’s just now (6 June, 2019) that my daughter found your comment. I am very interested to hear of your family exploits regarding Gremlin/Pegasus. I had for so long heard about Pegasus, but could never find information about it. Then, one day, my daughter found a picture of the Gremlin crew. And there, my Grandfather. I have never proven the existence of of Pegasus. Please help!
27. February 2018 access_time 14:37
Hello, While not a relative of a survivor of this crew, my father flew the 14 Oct mission with the 306th Bomb Group. I now serve as educational director for the Second Schweinfurt Memorial association (SSMA). We would love to place your name on our mailing list. We also have a Facebook page:
27. February 2018 access_time 20:03
Hello Sue, thank you.
I sent you an email.
25. September 2020 access_time 2:53
Hi Ken,
Sorry for not writing sooner. Just haven’t been back on computer to check out the site. Please feel free to write me at my email and we can exchange phone numbers and is much easier to talk than write for me.
I have sent picture to this site of the crew when they pulled the crew out of the channel where the Pegasus went in. They ran out of gas on the way back from Stuttgart I think was the mission, but can look it up. Had to make 2 passes and outer planes almost all ran out of fuel. Look forward to hearing from you.
14. October 2020 access_time 12:50
I am admin for a facebook group dedicated to the 379th Bomb Group. I would like to invite anyone who has an interest in the 379th to join our group.