B-17G-25-DL: 42-37989 to 42-38083
- Bomb Group:
- 2nd Bomb Group
- 99th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 347th Bomb Squadron
- 429th Bomb Squadron
History of
B-17 42-38078 / Sweet Pea
Delivered Denver 6/12/43; Savannah 23/12/43; Assigned 347BS/99BG 7/1/44; 14m transferred 429BS/2BG Amendola 28/3/44; severe battle damaged Debreczen 21/9/44 with Guy Miller, Co-pilot: Tom Rybovich, Navigator: Theo Davich, Bombardier: Bob Mullen, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Gerald E. McGuire, Radio Operator: Tony Ferrara (Wounded in Action), Ball turret gunner: Bill Steuck; Right Waist Gunner: Jim Maguire (Wounded in Action) (8 Returned to Duty); Left Waist gunner: Jim Totty, Tail gunner: Elmer Buss (2 Killed in Action); crash landed base and broke in half, then after repair aircraft was flown again by Miller 1/12/44; flown with Bill Morton 1/6/45 crash landed Bari, Italy, destroyed by fire. SWEET PEA.
Last updated: 26. May 2022
B-17 42-38078 / Sweet Pea Details

B-17G-25-DL #42-38078 / Sweet Pea on 21 September 1944 – Damages

B-17 42-38078 / Sweet Pea Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | --- | Guy M. Miller | RTD | - |
CP | --- | Thomas M. Rybovich | RTD | - |
NAV | --- | Theodore Davich | RTD | - |
ENG/TT | --- | Gerald E. McGuire | RTD | - |
RO | --- | Anthony Ferrara | RTD | - |
BT | --- | William F. Steuck | RTD | - |
WG | --- | James E. Totty | KIA | - |
WG | --- | James F. Maguire | RTD | - |
TG | --- | Elmer H. Buss | KIA | - |
TOG | --- | Robert M. Mullen III | RTD | - |
16. October 2019 access_time 6:19
I have a photo of the nose art of Sweet Pea since it was my father’s plane. There does not seem to be one on the web. If anyone is interested feel free to email me.
09. January 2020 access_time 20:39
I would be very interested in that picture. Can you send me a copy?
10. January 2020 access_time 20:52
I would love to see the nose art.My father in law,Robert G.Mumaw was on that plane.
16. January 2020 access_time 22:34
My name is Debbie Rybovich. My dad is Tommie Rybovich, the co-pilot on the Sweet Pea. I would appreciate it if you could contact me by phone (561-543-4779) or send me an email at egdrker@gmail.com. I would be very interested in talking to you about the Sweet Pea, my dad and yours. Thanks much, Debbie
16. January 2020 access_time 22:36
My name is Debbie Rybovich. My dad is Tommie Rybovich, the co-pilot on the Sweet Pea. I’d be very appreciative if you could send me any pictures you might have regarding the Sweet Pea and my dad and I would be happy to do the same regarding yours. Thanks, Debbie Rybovich
09. June 2021 access_time 0:24
Your father and his plane are pictured and mentioned in Melvin McGuire and Robert Hadley’s book “Bloody Skies”, Yucca Tree Press, 1993.
My father was among the many thousands wounded in a B-17, and I’ve always had an interest in them. There are a couple pics of ‘Sweet Pea’ I haven’t seen anywhere else, plus a story of the Debreczen mission
11. January 2020 access_time 11:40
Hello Guy,
I sent you an email.
Please check. Hope you see that.
Kind regards
23. March 2021 access_time 16:46
Good afternoon….I’m reading Masters of the Air and came upon the story behind “Sweet Pea”…Would you be kind enough to send me pictures of the nose art and aircraft and crew please? I understand from the book that there may also be a hand print on the aircraft from the child after which the bird was named.
Steve Pascuzzi
25. May 2021 access_time 5:19
My father Lt. Walter P. Gray also flew Sweet Pea. May God bless you.
02. August 2021 access_time 15:36
Hi, Guy; Tom Rybovich, your father’s co-pilot on Sweet Pea, lived to have four daughters and went on to have a career in the family business as the designer of sports fishing boats in West Palm Beach, FL. I am married to one of his daughters, Teresa. Love to have the photo of the aircraft you mentioned and whatever else you have collected relative to the aircraft, that time in service, etc. Certainly willing to reimburse you for any expenses, etc. Terre worships her father, who died of cancer in the early 1970s and this would mean much to her. Thanks for your consideration. Jon Ward
02. August 2021 access_time 15:41
BTW, I’ve read about half of Malcom Gladwell’s new book, The Bomber Mafia, and it is a great read and fills in lots of blanks about the conduct of the bombing war, formation of the war plans prior to the war and the significant difference between the British night carpet bombing philosophy vs. the American daytime precision target missions. Quick read but really informative. Just fyi. Jon Ward
12. September 2021 access_time 21:31
Jon, thanks to your email I came back to this site to find many messages. I have emailed Debbie and asked her to forward to you and Terre my information.
23. November 2021 access_time 15:35
Yes please guy I’d love to see the nose artwork you have,
10. November 2023 access_time 4:58
My father landed in the plane right behind Sweet Pea. This is one of the only things my dad spoke of the war to me. He showed me this picture from a book he was reading. I was young and this was ingrained in my brain ever since.
16. January 2020 access_time 22:31
My dad is Tommie Rybovich, co-pilot of Sweet Pea. I would appreciate it if you could contact me and send me any pictures you have. Thanks, Debbie
11. September 2020 access_time 18:59
Hello, can anyone confirm whether Sweet Pea actually had the name painted on its nose or it was just a colloquial nickname among the crews? Thanks
12. September 2020 access_time 10:36
Hello Zoran,
here is a close up of the nose section.
A nose art is visible. So I believe it had painted on the plane.
12. September 2020 access_time 12:39
Thanks. Yes, the nose art based on the Popeye comics baby character was there, no doubt about that, but is there any photo evidence that the name “Sweet Pea” was actually painted on the plane? So far I haven’t seen any.
Best regards
26. September 2020 access_time 10:13
I can not clearly see the name on it.
25. July 2021 access_time 17:35
I hope you all have your “Sweet Pea’s” correct. My uncle was the co-pilot in probably the original B17 “Sweet Pea”. He was shot down in March 1943 in France.
25. July 2021 access_time 17:25
I hope y’all have your Sweet Peas straight. I there were at least two B17s with the same name, and there might be other planes from The War with the same name. My uncles “Sweet Pea” was shot down in France in March 1943.
25. July 2021 access_time 17:42
Helo Darrell, thank you for your note. I hope so too 🙂
You uncle’s “Sweet Pea” is this B-17 I think:
12. September 2021 access_time 20:49
Sorry to all those that tried to reach me about the nose art or notes from family members. I failed to give a direct email address and never checked back on this site. You can reach me at: type three g’s (ggg) and then miller@gmail.com
28. September 2022 access_time 0:53
My great uncle was Elmer Buss. I am so very proud of him and his service. He was killed immediately in the Sweet Pea. 😢🇺🇸