B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-97352

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97352



History of
B-17 42-97352

Delivered Cheyenne 20/2/44; Kearney 16/3/44; Dow Fd 5/4/44; Assigned 560BS/388BG [W] Knettishall 7/4/44; returned early from mission with loss of #1 20/5/44 with Gus Schneider, Co-pilot: Tilrow Morrison, Navigator: Norden Schloss, Bombardier: Leon Starer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Wilbur Rodehauer, Radio Operator: Ken Yearian, Ball turret gunner: Marvin Peters, Waist gunner: Bob Rodman, Waist gunner: John Harding,Tail gunner: Hubert Schoeman (10 Returned to Duty); on landing in fog overshot runway crashed through a line tent and Nissen hut killing three men and injuring another; Salvaged 20/5/44.

Last updated: 16. March 2018


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