B-17G-35-VE: 42-97836 to 42-97935
- Bomb Group:
- 91st Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 324th Bomb Squadron
- RCL: DF-
MACR: 5982
History of
B-17 42-97892
Delivered Tulsa 27/3/44; Kearney 26/5/44; Dow Fd 6/6/44; Assigned 324BS/91BG [DF- ] Bassingbourn 15/6/44 Missing in Action Hamburg 20/6/44 with Capt Dick Burch, Co-pilot: Leo Plant, Navigator: Capt Harry Fox, Bombardier: Julian Columbus, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob McCarthy, Radio Operator: George Schmidt, Ball turret gunner: Chas Hickman, Waist gunner: Jack Morgan (8 Killed in Action);Tail gunner: Joe Evers (Prisoner of War); flak KOd #1 & #2, then another hit amidships followed by explosion, crashed Schenfeld/Holstein, W of Hamburg, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 5982.
Last updated: 8. September 2017
10. June 2023 access_time 18:04
Radio Call Letter for 42-97892 was DF-C. Missing in action on its 2nd mission as the 324th Bomb Squadron slowly returned to normal operations following a period as a dedicated Pathfinder squadron for the 1st and 94th Combat Wings throughout May and June 1944.