B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-98000

B-17 42-98000
Photo of B-17 #42-98000



Delivered Dallas 27/4/44; Hunter 7/6/44; Dow Fd 27/6/44; Assigned 544BS/384BG [SU-J] Grafton Underwood 15/7/44; on mission 27/9/44 with Raymond Gabel (8 Returned to Duty); Navigator: Rich Lovegren (Killed in Action); Missing in Action Kyllburg, Ger 8/1/45 with John DeFrancesco, Bob Simmons, Lynwood dann, Homer Lott, John Williams, Ira Bias, Chas Doleshal, Gordon Reed (8 Prisoner of War); Harmon Hastings (Killed in Action); flak, crashed Rochefort, Fr; Missing Air Crew Report 11579. FIGHTIN' HEBE.

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