B-17G-80-VE: 44-8701 to 44-8800
- Bomb Group:
- 487th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 836th Bomb Squadron
- 838th Bomb Squadron
- RCL: 2C-S
MACR: 13884
History of
B-17 44-8702 / Forever Amber
Delivered Lincoln 2/12/44; Dow Field 16/12/44; Assigned 837BS/487BG Lavenham 20/2/45; 836BS [2G-S]; 838BS [2C-S]; Missing in Action Briest 10/4/45 with Max Hauenstein (evaded capture); Eduardo DeLachica (Killed in Action); Joel Jolet, Bill Fitzsimons, Ernie Lewis, Oliver Poindexter, Guy Marinello, Laverne “Doug” Walker, Merle Goss (7 Prisoner of War); jet enemy aircraft, crashed Burg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 13884. FOREVER AMBER.
Last updated: 12. September 2022
B-17 44-8702 / Forever Amber Details
Canon shells ripped into the tail perforating in the vertical stabilizer and inboard right wind panel. Flames started in number three engine and swept back to the tail. A/C stayed in formation for a short time then peeled off to the left and dropped behind. The engine exploded and some reports say that the wing blew off. It then went into a flat spin and was burning fiercely when last seen. A/C 702 reported that enemy A/C strafed the chutes.
Crew bailed out at RP, 7 miles West of Elbe River.
B-17 44-8702 / Forever Amber Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | F/O | Max C. Hauenstein | EVD | - |
CP | F/O | Joe I. Jolet | POW | - |
NAV | F/O | William N. Fitzsimons | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Ernest J. Lewis | POW | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | Oliver W. Poindexter | EVD | - |
RO | T/SGT | Guy H. Marinello | POW | - |
BT | S/SGT | Laverne D. Walker | POW | - |
WG | PVT | Merle G. Goss | POW | - |
TG | S/SGT | Eduardo D. De Lachica | KIA | - |
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