B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies Latest entries in the database

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30644


Delivered Cheyenne 5/7/43; Gr Isle 26/7/43; Walla Walla 1/8/43; Scott 11/8/43; Presque Is 16/8/43; Assigned 327BS/92BG [UX-V] Alconbury 7/9/43; Podington 11/9/43; Missing in Action Merseburg 12/5/44 with Durward Marshall, Ball turret gunner: Jim Brown{body never found},Tail gunner: Dick Schmutte (3 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Norman Peck, Navigator: Harry Pachesky, Bombardier: Jim Kealey, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Vic Kness, Bill Cleere, Radio Operator: Edwin Huson, Waist gunner: Jack Browder (7 Prisoner of War); flak KOd #3, after heading away two more engines were lost, crashed Vallendar, two miles N of Koblenz; Missing Air Crew Report 4851.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97567


Delivered Denver 22/12/43; Langley 12/1/44; Chicago 18/1/44; Langley 19/1/44; Presque Is 19/2/44; Assigned 413BS/96BG [MZ-K/F] Snetterton 1/2/44; Missing in Action Brux 12/5/44 with Tom Moore, Bombardier: Bill Barber, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Packard, Waist gunner: Rueben Krezer,Tail gunner: Oliver Davenport, Lt Dick Thomson {mission pilot}, Navigator: Norman Williams (7 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Vic Johnson, m/op-Emery Hall, Radio Operator: Ray Halstrom, Waist gunner: Bernie Brooks (4 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Erbach, two miles NW of Bad Camberg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 4860.

B-17 #42-30173 / Georgeous Hussy aka Circe aka All American

42-30173 / Georgeous Hussy aka Circe aka All American

Delivered Cheyenne 22/4/43; Smoky Hill 29/4/43; Tinker 12/5/43; Lincoln 21/5/43; Dow Fd 24/5/43; Assigned 410BS/94BG Earls Colne 28/5/43 GORGEOUS HUSSY; transferred 412BS/95BG [QW-O] Framlingham 6/6/43 CIRCE; 335BS [OE-O/L] Horham 12/6/43; 20m, Missing in Action Brunswick 10/2/44 with Jim Pearson, Co-pilot: Ralph Roe, Navigator: Fred Spingler, Bombardier: Arnold Malkin, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Sam Orlich, Ball turret gunner: Albt Durham, Waist gunner: Jim Henry (7 Prisoner of War); Radio Operator: Ralph Coyle, Waist gunner: Mike Croker,Tail gunner: Jackson Hardeman (3 Killed in Action); caught fire in action over Lingen and crashed Schaferhof, near Leeseringen rail station, four miles S of Nienburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 2544. ALL AMERICAN.

B-17 #42-3483 / Chopstick A-Able

42-3483 / Chopstick A-Able

Delivered Denver 20/6/43; Rome 7/8/43; Assigned with H2S 812BS/482BG [MI-A] Alconbury 10/43; 384BG Grafton Underwood 14/4/44; transferred 401BG Deenethorpe 17/4/44; became radio-relay with 8th Fighter Command 22/7/44; Returned to the USA Bradley 12/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 30/12/45. CHOPSTICK A-ABLE.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-102952


Delivered Cheyenne 22/4/44; Kearney 7/5/44; Grenier 24/5/44; Assigned 511BS/351BG [DS-H] Polebrook 31/5/44; Missing in Action {29m} Merseburg 28/7/44 with Bill Long, Co-pilot: Ben Upshaw, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Jack Hurley, Ball turret gunner: Frank Gozy, Waist gunner: Carmelo Frontino,Tail gunner: Jim Howarth (6 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Pete Mandros, Bombardier: Chas Gratiot, Radio Operator: Don Skoglund* (3 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft set an engine afire, with Germans shooting at descending chutes, crashed Bauerheim, NE of Friedberg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 7817.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-102579 / Stinker

42-102579 / Stinker

Delivered Cheyenne 16/3/44; Gr Island 1/4/44; Grenier 6/4/44; Assigned 603BS/398BG [N7-C] Nuthampstead 27/4/44; (25m) Missing in Action Merseburg 28/7/44 with Wilbur Dwyer, Co-pilot: Claude Williams, Navigator: Joe Mute, Bombardier: Bob Woolley, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ted Boerman, Ball turret gunner: Dick Lowry,Tail gunner: Bob Harrington (7 Prisoner of War); Radio Operator: Gene Zoldy, Waist gunner: Leon Ford (2 evaded capture); flak KO’d #3, crashed Wanfercee, NE of Charleroi, Bel; Missing Air Crew Report 7823 [?7822]. STINKER.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30387


Delivered Cheyenne 25/5/43; Kearney 5/6/43; Gore 7/6/43; Tinker 9/6/43; Dalhart 27/6/43; Gr Isle 27/6/43; Presque Is 3/8/43; Assigned 326BS/92BG [JW-F/A] Alconbury 21/8/43; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 14/10/43 with Major George Ott, Co-pilot: George Long, Navigator: Malcolm Champagne, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray Hottenstein, Radio Operator: Dick Spellerberg, Ball turret gunner: John Benson, Waist gunner: Harry Clark, Waist gunner: Joe Pribish,Tail gunner: Jim Proakis{died in camp 3/12/43} (9 Prisoner of War), Bombardier: Jerome Tiger (Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Flurabteilung Kastellerweg, near Markt Bibart, 22 miles SE of Wurtzburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 849.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-102498


Delivered Cheyenne 9/3/44; Gr Island 29/3/44; Grenier 20/4/44; Assigned 600BS/398BG [N8-W] Nuthampstead 5/5/44; (7m) Missing in Action Dessau, Ger 30/5/44 with Tom Thompson, Ball turret gunner: Ernie Pennell, Waist gunner: Vic Frisbie (3 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Conrad Zufall, Navigator: Ralph Garson, Bombardier: Bob Doherty, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Namey{Wounded in Action}, Radio Operator: George Gagne,Tail gunner: George Hartwell (6 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, ship exploded crashed Aken, nine miles W of Dessau, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 5312.

B-17 #42-38002


Delivered Denver 9/11/43; Grenier 4/12/43; Assigned 614BS/401BG [IW-Q] Deenethorpe 21/1/44; Missing in Action Oschersleben 22/2/44 with Vernon Arneson, Co-pilot: Jerome Kleinburg, Navigator: John Dean, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Clennie Shultz, Radio Operator: Fred Webb, Ball turret gunner: Armond Provender, Waist gunner: Dave Trambitsky,Tail gunner: Rich Schmidt{when about to bale out found his chute was damaged, (8 Prisoner of War); Bombardier: George Gilmore{baled out too low}, Waist gunner: Adrian Shutes (2 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, Schmidt found rest of crew had bailed so he went back to take controls and crash landed in potato field near Alvesse village 13 miles NW of Brunswick, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 2661.

B-17 #41-2593 / Bataan aka Miss Em

41-2593 / Bataan aka Miss Em

Delivered MacDill 24/2/42; MAAD 18/6/42 mod as XC-108 as taxi for Gen McArthur, called BATAAN; later used by Gen Eichelberger as MISS EM; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 30/10/45.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 41-9094


Built by Boeing at Seattle. Delivered to the U. S. Army. Collision with B-17E 41-2586 on 21/01/1943. Returned to base. Repaired and then returned to service.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 41-2586


Built by Boeing at Seattle. Delivered to the U. S. Army. Collision with B-17E 41-9094 on 21/01/1943. All KIA

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97493


Delivered Denver 1/12/43; Kearney 15/12/43; Presque Is 21/12/43; force landed Gander, Nfd with Bruce Ryan 29/12/43; Assigned Soxo 4/1/44.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-38107


Delivered Cheyenne 15/12/43; Kearney 31/12/43; Assigned 331BS/94BG Rougham 5/1/44; Missing in Action Brunswick 10/2/44 with Andy Repas, Co-pilot: Edwin Stanton, Navigator: Hobert Coffer, Bombardier: Tom Burr, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Phil Chirico, Radio Operator: Donovan Labelle, Ball turret gunner: Duncan McCormick, Waist gunner: Chase Rice, Waist gunner: Claude Watkins,Tail gunner: Gene Cassel (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Stedden, just W of Gross Hehlen, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 2372.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-107222 / Mountaineer

42-107222 / Mountaineer

Delivered Tulsa 28/3/44; Kearney 7/4/44; Grenier 14/4/44; Assigned 325BS/92BG [NV-S] Podington 4/5/44; with Jack Crafton, (8 Returned to Duty) four bailed out and four landed with a/c; crash landed base & burned out 3/8/44; Salvaged. MOUNTAINEER.

B-17 #42-29829 / Sons O’ Satan

42-29829 / Sons O’ Satan

Delivered Denver 23/2/43; Sioux City 16/3/43; Kearney 8/4/43; Dow Fd 16/4/43; Assigned 527BS/379BG [FO-F/P] Kimbolton 18/5/43; Missing in Action Bernburg 22/2/44 with Bob Haston, Radio Operator: Gordon Fisher, Waist gunner: Bill Nixon, Waist gunner: Conrad Gemmecke,Tail gunner: Lester Adriensen (5 Prisoner of War); Co-pilot: Foy Clingman{chute failed}, Navigator: Harry Sheaffer{fell out of bomb bay minus chute when attempting to to release a hung up bomb}, Bombardier: Stanislaw Burblis{togg}, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ken Raack, Ball turret gunner: Bob Spisak (5 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed two miles S of Gottingen, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 2870. SONS O’ SATAN.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30231


Delivered Cheyenne 1/5/43; Smoky Hill 12/5/43; Dow Field 29/5/43; Assigned 325BS/95BG [NV-Z] Alconbury 6/6/43; transferred 326BS [JW-O]; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 14/10/43 with Ray Clough, Co-pilot: Jim Dickens, Navigator: Fred Bird, Bombardier: Bill Fraser, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bandy Herman, Radio Operator: Jones Jackson, Ball turret gunner: Jim Cauley, Waist gunner: Jack Calvert, Waist gunner: George Woiblett,Tail gunner: Art Bomberger (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed St Goar, 11 miles SE of Boppard, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 844.

B-17 #42-31076 / Chief Sly’s Son

42-31076 / Chief Sly’s Son

Delivered Cheyenne 16/9/43; Gr Island 3/10/43; Assigned 323BS/91BG [0R-L] Bassingbourn 16/10/43; transferred 322BS [LG-X]; Missing in Action 18m Oschersleben 11/1/44 with J. C. Page, Navigator: Larry Lynch, Bombardier: Bill Stevenson, Radio Operator: Albt Macos, Ball turret gunner: Arlie Wotring, Waist gunner: Jim Alfred, Waist gunner: Chas Brokke,Tail gunner: Warren Oliver (8 Prisoner of War), Co-pilot: Tom Butler, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Art Ginder (2 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft set wing on fire then ship exploded, crashed Schmede, near Dummer Lake, seven miles SW of Diepholz, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1919. CHIEF SLY’S SON.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-38106


Delivered Denver 14/12/43; Mitchell 7/1/44; Assigned 366BS/305BG [KY-B] Chelveston 11/2/44; Missing in Action Brunswick 29/3/44 with Bill Wayenberg, Co-pilot: Ed Church, Navigator: Tom Stanford, Bombardier: Bill Bracken, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Gerald Gannon, Radio Operator: Art Carroll, Ball turret gunner: Bill Minton, Waist gunner: Terrell Tucker,Tail gunner: John Sheppard (9 Killed in Action); Waist gunner: Jerome Helmer (Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Lingwedel, 28 miles N of Brunswick, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 3476.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97299 / Devil May Care

42-97299 / Devil May Care

Delivered Cheyenne 16/2/44; Rapid City 5/3/44; Dow Fd 17/4/44; Assigned 398BG Nuthampstead 20/4/44; no ops, transferred 326BS/92BG [JW-R] Podington 28/4/44; crash landed base 7/8/44; Salvaged 9AF Germany 31/10/45. DEVIL MAY CARE.