B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies Latest entries in the database

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-83378


Sold by USAF and transferred to Brazilian AF {5410} Assigned 1st & 2nd Sqds 60 BG Recife. Retired service 1965.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-85494


Sold from USAF to Brazilian AF {5411} serving with 1st & 2nd Sqds 60 BG Recife, but retired in 1968.

B-17 #42-39775 / Frenesi

42-39775 / Frenesi

Delivered Long Beach 27/8/43; 333BS/94BG [TS-A] Rougham 13/10/43. Battle damaged Brunswick 11/1/44 with Bill Cely, Co-pilot: Jabez Churchill, Waist gunner: Everett Hudson Wounded in Action, Waist gunner: Paul Pearson,Tail gunner: Cliff Prater (5 Returned to Duty); Navigator: Floyd McGowan, Bombardier: Alex Bender, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Preston Henderson, Radio Operator: Harry Anderson, Ball turret gunner: Jim Queen, foto-Warren Becker (6 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft severely riddled the ship, it limped home safely, but Written off later. Missing Air Crew Report 12969. FRENESI.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 39-4


Delivered March Field 3-Apr-41; 6AF Panama 3-Jun-41; Trinidad 7-Mar-42; Returned to the USA 11-Sep-43; Written off 26-Jan-45. Never used in combat, never served in the UK.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-6640 / Laetitia

44-6640 / Laetitia

Delivered Lincoln 2/10/44; Dow Fd 13/10/44; Assigned 775BS/463BG Celone 24/10/44; Missing in Action Berlin 24/3/45 with Warren Wilson, Co-pilot: DeFro Tossey, Navigator: John Townsend, Bombardier: Jarvis Murphy, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Malcolm Walker, Radio Operator: Weaver Doyle, Ball turret gunner: George Holran, Waist gunner: Art Bonin, Waist gunner: Dale Albright,Tail gunner: Glen Martin (10 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Pilsen; Missing Air Crew Report 13371. LAETITIA.

B-17 #42-3057 / Picadilly Commando aka Blonde Bomber

42-3057 / Picadilly Commando aka Blonde Bomber

Delivered Cheyenne 18/1/43; Nashville 27/2/43; Assigned 324BS/91BG [LG-N] Wildflower 21/3/43; Bassingbourn 26/3/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben on its 38th mission, 11 January 1944 to Oschersleben, Germany. Pilot Wayne E. Murdoch chute failed to open; Radio Operator: Teddy J. Morris (2 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Kenneth L. Manson; Navigator: George F.Young Jr; Bombardier: Robert R. Case; Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Arlo L. Roswell; Ball turret gunner: Thomas H. Rogers; Left Waist gunner: Walter T. Romanofski; Right Waist gunner: Russell B. Hoover; Tail gunner: Julius R. Sobieski – foot shot off in action (8POW-baled out over target area); Flak hits and enemy aircraft, crashed between Hornhausen and Ausleben, six miles NW of Oschersleben, Germany. Missing Air Crew Report 1918. PICADILLY COMMANDO later BLONDE BOMBER.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3504 / Lady Jean

42-3504 / Lady Jean

Delivered Denver 16/7/43; Scott 11/8/43; Assigned 339BS/96BG [QJ-F] Snetterton 3/9/43; Missing in Action Kiel 11/1/44 with Russell Ford, Co-pilot: Chas Kizer, Navigator: Ashby Hunter, Bombardier: John McGlynn, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ben Milling, Radio Operator: Alex Crowell, Ball turret gunner: Eugene Raight, Waist gunner: George Tyminski, Waist gunner: Guy Lowery,Tail gunner: Bernie Kritchunas (10 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, ditched North Sea; another B-17 signalled rescue launch but all lost. Missing Air Crew Report 2376.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-39879


Delivered Long Beach 28/9/43; Gr Island 29/10/43; Assigned 569BS/390BG [CC-A] Framlingham 23/11/43; Missing in Action Brunswick 11/1/44 with Clyde Sanders Jr., Co-pilot: Joe Langer, Navigator: Vince Zimnewicz, Bombardier: Jim Hopwood, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bill Teal, Radio Operator: Chas McFealey, Ball turret gunner: Ed O’Reilly, Waist gunner: Rich Tobias, Waist gunner: Lowery Jennings (9 Prisoner of War);Tail gunner: Claude Vaughan (Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Suttrup, near Lingen, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 2023.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-85579


From USAF to Brazial Air Force, Assigned 1st & 2nd Sqds 60BG Recife. Crashed 1952.

B-17 #42-30157 / Dirty Gertie aka Hell’s Belles

42-30157 / Dirty Gertie aka Hell’s Belles

Delivered Cheyenne 21/4/43; Tinker 27/4/43; Smoky Hill 5/5/43; Tinker 24/5/43; Smoky Hill 29/5/43; Dow Fd 1/6/43; Assigned 323BS/91BG [OR-P] Bassingbourn 10/6/43 DIRTY GERTIE {1m}; battle damaged Kassel 30/7/43, {2m} with Don Van der Heyde, Co-pilot: Don Primeau, Navigator: Harry Warren, Bombardier: Walter Brown, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Pete Comac, Radio Operator: John Klopolsky, Ball turret gunner: Homer Mitts, Waist gunner: Bill Wannemacher, Waist gunner: Mack Walton,Tail gunner: Dick Sparman (10 Returned to Duty); enemy aircraft also shot out hydraulics soon after reaching the Channel, it limped back to crash landed base with severe damage, but crew unharmed; Salvaged 25/8/43. HELLS BELLES.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31131 / Satan’s Sister

42-31131 / Satan’s Sister

Delivered Dallas 24/9/43; Gr Island 9/10/43; Wilmington 14/10/43; Assigned 563BS/388BG Knettishall 26/10/43; Missing in Action Ludwigshafen 30/12/43; hit by prop wash from with 42-31176, crashed Birkenu-Odenwald, 12 miles NE of Ludwigshaven, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 3041. SATAN’S SISTER.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31176 / Flak Suit

42-31176 / Flak Suit

Delivered Dallas 27/9/43; Gr Island 17/10/43; Wilmington 24/10/43; Assigned 560BS/388BG Knettishall 26/10/43; Missing in Action Berlin 24/4/44 with George Gwin, Co-pilot: Chas Dunfee, Navigator: Wilbur Minnich, Bombardier: Bob Reis, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Don Jones, Radio Operator: Gene Mitchell, Ball turret gunner: Neal Phillips, Waist gunner: Carl Kohn, Waist gunner: Elwood Dasher,Tail gunner: Roy Choate (10 Prisoner of War); ditched Channel off Calais, picked up by Germans. Missing Air Crew Report 4288.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31082 / Hick’s Hack

42-31082 / Hick’s Hack

Delivered Cheyenne 20/9/43; Harvard 4/10/43; Assigned 710BS/447BG Rattlesden 25/11/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44; enemy aircraft, crash landed near Wagenfeld, ten miles SE of Diepholz, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 2512.

B-17 #42-3131 / Winnie the Pooh aka Flak Wolf

42-3131 / Winnie the Pooh aka Flak Wolf

Delivered Cheyenne 20/2/43; 19/4/43; Assigned 427BS/303BG [GN-U] Molesworth 4/6/43; {40m} Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with John Carothers, Co-pilot: Chas Frost, Radio Operator: George Rajcula, Ball turret gunner: Bob Peavy, Waist gunner: Wiley Rogers, Waist gunner: Francis Morneau,Tail gunner: Roland Ziegler (7 Killed in Action), Navigator: Art Linnehan, Bombardier: Howard Barriscale, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harvey Scott (3 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft hits and exploded, crashed Kloster Oesede, four miles SE of Osnabruk, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1966. WINNIE THE POOH then FLAK WOLF.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31236 / Arch Bishop

42-31236 / Arch Bishop

Delivered Cheyenne 8/10/43; Grand Island 11/11/43; Wilmington 17/11/43; Assigned 367BS/306BG [GY-F] Thurleigh 21/12/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44; enemy aircraft, crashed Kremer Farm, near Vlessendijk, Raalte, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 1933. ARCH BISHOP.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31538 / Norah

42-31538 / Norah

Delivered Cheyenne 19/11/43; Kearney 6/12/43; Grenier 20/12/43; Presque Is 22/12/43; Assigned 367BS/306BG [GY-V] Thurleigh 21/1/44; 368BS [BO-V]; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44; enemy aircraft, crashed Bessenbinder Farm, Nieuw-Heeten, Raalte, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 1932.

B-17 #41-24587 / Bad Check

41-24587 / Bad Check

Assigned 427BS/303BG [GN-P] Bangor 5/10/42; Molesworth 25/10/42; Missing in Action {45m} Oschersleben 11/1/44; enemy aircraft, crash landed Lienen, Tecklenburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1922. BAD CHECK.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-102908 / Silver Streak

42-102908 / Silver Streak

Delivered Cheyenne 17/4/44; Hunter 28/4/44; Grenier 15/5/44; Assigned 96BS/2BG Amendola 23/5/44; Missing in Action {33m} Oswiecim, Pol 20/8/44 with Bob Lambert{broke ankle as ‘chute landed}, Co-pilot: Don Facer, Navigator: Ken Erickson{Wounded in Action}, Bombardier: Tom Wilson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Jim Lang, Radio Operator: Bob Larsen, Ball turret gunner: Jim Kirk, Waist gunner: Ray Flood, Waist gunner: Chas Robinson,Tail gunner: Joe Nargiso (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft ko’d #2, crashed Balassog, Hungary; Missing Air Crew Report 11699. SILVER STREAK.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3038


Delivered Cheyenne 23/12/42; 4160 BU Albuquerque 3/2/43; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Albuquerque 3/8/45.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3004


Delivered Tulsa 3/12/42; Ainsworth 21/1/43; Pierre 9/2/43; Rapid City 28/4/43; Pendleton 8/7/43; with George Snyder crashed two miles W of base 15/7/43; Written off 16/7/43.