B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies Latest entries in the database

B-17 #42-3092 / Strato Sam (Toughest Crew That Ever Flew)

42-3092 / Strato Sam (Toughest Crew That Ever Flew)

Delivered Cheyenne 18/2/43; Dow Fd 23/5/43; Assigned 533BS/381BG [VP-T] Ridgewell 4/43 with Capt Bob Post, Bob Nelson, Fred Nudell engineer, Harry Baylerian radio, Capt Joe Murray S-2, M/Sgt Andy Banas line chief, S/Sgt Joe Johnson elec/spec, Cpl Adrian Johnson AFCE spec, S/Sgt Olin David bomb sight maint, Lt Jim Morrison ARC nav; Missing in Action 7m Schweinfurt 17/8/43 with Jim Hudson, Co-pilot: Bill Grant, Navigator: Ron Delaney, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ed Vaughn, Radio Operator: Dave Pinsky, Ball turret gunner: John Vaughn, Waist gunner: Ford Thueson, Ball turret gunner: Jim Wakefield,Tail gunner: George Doyle (9 Prisoner of War), Bombardier: Ken Robinson (KIA, chute lines tangled in aircraft and unable to jump); shot down by enemy aircraft, crashed Pesch, four miles SW of Munsterreifel, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 399. STRATO SAM (TOUGHEST CREW THAT EVER FLEW).

B-17 #42-2966


Assigned 427BS/303BG [GN-U] Bangor 16/9/42; Molesworth 28/10/42; 1 CCRC Bovingdon 4/7/43 as trainer. Salvaged in the UK after the war, date not recorded.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-2965


Delivered Wright Fd 20/7/42; landing accident Walla Walla with Bill Clancy, 5/8/42, rep; Written off 9/9/44.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-2964


Delivered Wright Field for test purposes 7/1/42, crashed Frostburg, near Cumberland, MD 21/11/43, crew bailed out OK. Caused by poor weather and shortage of gas.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-29830 / Peter Wabbit

42-29830 / Peter Wabbit

Delivered Denver 23/2/43; Sioux City 20/3/43; Kearney 8/4/43; Dow Fd 15/4/43; Assigned 525BS/379BG [FR-A] Kimbolton; then 524BS [WA-T]; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 17/8/43 with Erwalt Wagner, Co-pilot: Bill Barnard, Navigator: Joe Hilderbrand, Bombardier: Ken Gibbs, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Henry Kushman, Radio Operator: Ben Radensky, Ball turret gunner: Francis Donahue, Waist gunner: Marvin Charlson, Waist gunner: Eldred Andruss,Tail gunner: Dean Yates (10 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Dorrebach, six miles W of Bingen, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1350. PETER WABBIT.

B-17 #42-31218 / ETO-Itis

42-31218 / ETO-Itis

Delivered Cheyenne 5/10/43; Gr Island 16/10/43; Wilmington 1/11/43; Assigned 571BS/390BG [FC-E] Framlingham 15/11/43; Missing in Action Brunswick 10/2/44 with John Burke, Co-pilot: Chas Hadfield (evaded until Aug 1944), Navigator: Howard Richardson, Bombardier: Andrea Montello, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Graney, Ball turret gunner: Angelo Gambino, Tail gunner: Jerome Vilk (7 Prisoner of War); Waist gunner: Woodrow Tarleton, Waist gunner: Earl Lambert (2 evaded – both returned to UK by 11 September 1944); Radio Operator: Jim Harnish (KIA-body found in wreckage); Shot down by enemy aircraft, crashed Lok Farm, Baarlo, near Blokzijl, Holland. Missing Air Crew Report 2804. ETO-ITIS.

B-17 #42-5914 / Sack Time aka Roger Wilco

42-5914 / Sack Time aka Roger Wilco

Delivered Long Beach 5/5/43; Kearney 29/5/43; Dow Fd 16/6/43; Assigned 549BS/385BG [XA-Q] Gt Ashfield 17/6/43; Missing in Action Regensburg 17/8/43 with Leslie Reichardt, Co-pilot: Bruno Roti, Navigator: Clem Sullivan, Bombardier: John Zavisno, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Don Biggs, Radio Operator: Mike Khoury, Ball turret gunner: Ben Phelper, Waist gunner: Ed Conan, Waist gunner: Bob Currie,Tail gunner: John Kelaher (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed SW of Darmstadt, Ger, Missing Air Crew Report 387B. SACK TIME aka ROGER WILCO.

B-17 #43-37834


Delivered Cheyenne 26/5/44; Kearney 6/6/44; Dow Fd 27/6/44; Slated 100BG, Assigned 730BS/452BG [6K-T] Deopham Green 28/6/44; transferred 748BS/457BG [T] Glatton 29/6/44; Missing in Action Magdeburg 28/9/44 with Fred Lockwald, Navigator: Jim Rawls, Bombardier: Seymour Slganick, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Carlton Killgo, Ball turret gunner: Drew Sheffield, Waist gunner: John Wranesh,Tail gunner: Everett Mohannah (7 Prisoner of War); Co-pilot: Joe Jirik(veteran of Pacific War), Radio Operator: Harry Jacobson (2 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Wetzleben, SE of Brunswick, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 9769.

B-17 #42-31669 / Shoo Shoo ‘Baby’

42-31669 / Shoo Shoo ‘Baby’

Delivered Cheyenne 6/12/43; Gt Falls 8/12/43; Kearney 22/12/43; Romulus 8/1/44; Presque Is 10/1/44; Assigned 358BS/303BG [VK-J] Molesworth 15/2/44; Missing in Action Erding (20m) 24/4/44; flak KOd #4, force landed Dubendorf, Switz; Missing Air Crew Report 4270. Salvaged 12/10/45. SHOO SHOO `BABY’.

B-17 #42-30634 / Liberty Belle

42-30634 / Liberty Belle

Delivered Cheyenne 2/7/43; Gr Isle 22/7/43; Walla Walla 1/8/43; Scott 9/8/43; Presque Is 17/8/43; Assigned 412BS/95BG [QW-O] Horham 20/8/43; 30m, Missing in Action Brunswick 21/2/44; flak KO’d #2 attacked by nine FW190s. Four crewman jumped before the a/c, on fire, exploded and crashed North Sea, two miles off coast at Egmond, Holland. (Zuider Zee) Missing Air Crew Report 2423. 6 Killed in Action; 4POW-rescued by Dutch fishermen. LIBERTY BELLE.

B-17 #42-30283 / Mason’s Morons

42-30283 / Mason’s Morons

Delivered Denver 9/5/43; Gore 17/5/43; Smoky Hill 19/5/43; Dow Fd 30/5/43; Assigned 324BS/91BG Bassingbourn 10/6/43; transferred 336BS/95BG [ET-C] Horham 16/6/43; 10m, Missing in Action Regensburg 17/8/43 with Bob Mason, Co-pilot: Lou Belson, Navigator: Frank Messersmith, Bombardier: Bill Reinecke, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Dick Carter, Radio Operator: Bill Rogers, Ball turret gunner: Herschel Beane, Waist gunner: Jay McKee, Waist gunner: Ray Elias,Tail gunner: Bob Bickford (10 Prisoner of War); crashed Darmstadt, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 403. MASON’S MORONS.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3456


Delivered Cheyenne 21/6/43; 19BG Pyote 20/7/43; Galena 5/12/43; Written off 24/3/44.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97138


Delivered Cheyenne 30/1/44; Kearney 27/2/44; Grenier 5/3/44; Assigned 332BS/94BG [XM-C] Rougham 12/3/44; over Berlin 18/4/44 with Capt Ed Lundak;Tail gunner: John Mundrick (POW- bailed out prematurely) a/s returned to base; Missing in Action Freidrichshafen 24/4/44; flak KOd #3, force landed Dubendorf, Switz. Missing Air Crew Report 4262. Returned to the USA 1377 BU Grenier 14/9/45; Independence 16/9/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 4/11/45.

B-17 #42-30191 / The Bolevich

42-30191 / The Bolevich

Delivered Cheyenne 24/4/43; Smoky Hill 14/5/43; Tinker 24/5/43; Smoky Hill 29/5/43; Dow Fd 1/6/43; Assigned 525BS/379BG [FR-C] Kimbolton 6/6/43; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 17/8/43; flak, crash landed wheels up on road between Elfershausen & Trimburg, 13 miles NW of Schweinfurt, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1765. THE BOLEVICH.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30389 / Dear Mom

42-30389 / Dear Mom

Delivered Cheyenne 26/5/43; Gore 27/5/43; Cheyenne 2/6/43; Smoky Hill 12/6/43; Geiger 22/6/43; Smoky Hill 23/6/43; Dow Fd 5/7/43; Assigned 331BS/94BG [QE-Z] Rougham 7/7/43; Missing in Action Regensburg 17/8/43 with Bernard W. Nayovitz, Co-pilot: James F. Smith, Jr., Navigator: Murlyn F. Burnett, Bombardier: Robert P. Allison, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Albert V. Beyke, Ball turret gunner: Jack H. Loveless (6 Killed in Action); Radio Operator: Arthur P. McDonnell,Tail gunner: James W. Tolbert (2 Prisoner of War); Waist gunner: Jake Dalinsky, Waist gunner: Beverley G. Geyer (2 evaded capture); enemy aircraft, crashed Lummen, six miles E of Deist, Bel; Missing Air Crew Report 323. DEAR MOM.

B-17 #42-37796 / Fletcher’s Castoria III

42-37796 / Fletcher’s Castoria III

Delivered Denver 3/9/43; Gr Island 27/9/43; Assigned 350BS/100BG [LN-T] Thorpe Abbotts 28/9/43; Missing in Action Brunswick 21/2/44 with Bill Fletcher, Co-pilot: Dick Roper, Navigator: George Browning, Bombardier: Howard Venzie, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Leo Callahan, Radio Operator: George Reid, Ball turret gunner: Peitro Deaquinto, Waist gunner: Alex Sosik, Waist gunner: John Seman,Tail gunner: Dave Robb (10 Prisoner of War); battle damaged plus mech fault, force landed Halfweg, between Amsterdam & Harlem, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 2761. npo FLETCHER’S CASTORIA III.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30017 / All Shot To Hell

42-30017 / All Shot To Hell

Delivered Dallas 2/4/43; Geiger 23/5/43; Gt Falls 7/6/43; Smoky Hill 30/6/43; Dow Fd 10/7/43; Assigned 535BS/381BG [MS-W] Ridgewell 10/7/43; transferred Mildenhall 17/7/43, then 568BS/390BG [BI-G] Framlingham 14/7/43; Missing in Action Regensburg 17/8/43 with Ashbrooke Tyson, Co-pilot: Chas Hinckley, Navigator: Chas Hansen, Bombardier: Elmo Peterson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Edwin Tyson, Radio Operator: Verial Whaples, Ball turret gunner: Bill Roberts, Waist gunner: Albt Van Pelt, Waist gunner: Edmund Valonis,Tail gunner: C.L. Roseberry (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, left wing on fire, exploded and crashed Bingen, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 388. ALL SHOT TO HELL.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30002 / Damifino aka The WAAC Hunter

42-30002 / Damifino aka The WAAC Hunter

Delivered Cheyenne 1/4/43; Kearney 15/4/43; Gore 17/4/43; Hamilton 28/4/43; Wendover 2/5/43; Hill 12/5/43; Wendover 19/5/43; Kearney 22/5/43; Dow Fd 31/5/43; Assigned 349BS/100BG [XR-F] Thorpe Abbotts 9/6/43; Missing in Action Regensburg 17/8/43 with Henry Shotland, Co-pilot: Chas Thompson, Navigator: Tom Doran, Bombardier: Bill Harrison, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Lloyd Field, Radio Operator: Ed Kussman, Ball turret gunner: Larry Capdeville, Waist gunner: John Keegan, Waist gunner: Roy Butler (9 Prisoner of War);Tail gunner: Foster Compton (Killed in Action); enemy aircraft hit wing which caught fire, crashed Boxheierhof, SE of Burstadt, 10 miles N of Mannheim, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 680. DAMIFINO aka THE WAAC HUNTER.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 41-24544 / Pennsylvania Polka

41-24544 / Pennsylvania Polka

B-17F 41-24544 “Pennsylvania Polka” was assigned 323BS/91BG [OR-O] Bangor 10-Sep-42; Bassingbourn 26-Oct-42; Shot down 4-Feb-43 by fighters 12 miles NW of the tip of Terschelling Island, Holland while on a mission to bomb the railroad marshalling yards at Hamm, Germany. The marshalling yards were obscured by clouds and the port area of Emden, Germany was attacked as a target of last resort. 10KIA MACRS 3557 & 4635. Flew 7+ missions

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31107 / Lady Jane

42-31107 / Lady Jane

Delivered Cheyenne 20/9/43; Harvard 5/10/43; Assigned 708BS/447BG Rattlesden 29/11/43; Missing in Action Halbestadt 11/1/44 with Herschell Jarrell, Co-pilot: Lt Col Chas Bowman, Bombardier: Tom Tate, Radio Operator: John Smitherfound 14/8/44, Ball turret gunner: John Harrison, Waist gunner: Alphonse Rossetti, Waist gunner: Ray Wilson,Tail gunner: Lt Bill Zurynetz (8 Killed in Action); Navigator: John Cole, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Gene Landry (2 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed swampy ground near Rehburg, 19 miles from Hanover, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 2513