B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies Latest entries in the database

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-5764


Delivered Cheyenne 28/12/42; Denver 2/1/43; Salina 10/1/43; Brookley 8/3/43; Morrison 13/4/43; Assigned 97BG Chateau-du-Rhumel 16/4/43; Pont-du-Fahs 1/8/43; Depienne 15/8/43; Cerignola 20/12/43; battle damaged Innsbrook 19/12/43 Amendola 16/1/44 transferred 840BS/483BG Tortorella 31/3/44; Sterparone 22/4/44; Salvaged 30/11/45.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-5709


Delivered Cheyenne 13/8/42; Wayne 6/11/42; Smoky Hill 29/3/43; 236 BU Pyote 13/7/44; 235 BU Biggs 16/8/44; 231 BU Alamogordo 13/12/44; 4202 BU Syracuse 28/3/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 10/10/45.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 37-369


First flew 29-Apr-39 from Boeing Fd, turbo superchargers fitted, and used for other static tests such as stress and superchargers, etc.; Assigned Headquarter SQd’n/19BG March Fd 3-Oct-40; with P.W. McIntyre force landed through mechanical failure 8-Mar-41 at Hatchita, NM; with Carl Goldenberg force landed Dow Fd, Me 19-Dec-41; to Geiger 7-Feb-42. Have pix flying over Seattle Fd, 24 Nov 1938. Ultimately it was re-designated a B-17A. This aircraft never served in combat and was never posted to the UK.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 38-610


Delivered Salt Lake City 7-Sep-40; Scott 17-Jul-43; Written off 5-Oct-43.

B-17 #38-270


Delivered Hamilton 7-Feb-40; Assigned 2BG/41Rec. Sq Argentia (Nfld) 21-Aug-41, and a week after attacked a U-boat. This was not damaged but the first US incident in which US bombs were dropped in anger, however the press never knew!; to Davis-Monthan, with Gilbert Kuhn force landed 40 miles SE Gowen Fd, ID; repaired & transferred Sioux Falls 15-Jul-43; Written off 5-Oct- 43. Never used in combat, but did attack a German U-Boat, most probably in the Caribbean. Never served in the UK.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 38-223


Delivered March 10-Nov-39; Assigned ATC, W Palm Beach 24-Mar-42; with Lovell Stuber crash landed 100 miles South of Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico 9-Apr-42, Written off 24-Apr-42. Missing Air Crew Report 15642. 6 Killed. Not in combat, never served in the UK.

B-17 #40-2042


Delivered Air Force 21-Jul-40, the first such service flight, but then sent back to Boeing for two years, before returning to AF. Delivered Lockburn, OH, then on 25-Jan-43 crashed NW of New Albany, OR., with Jack Pack (Killed in Service -crew?). Written off 29-Jan-43. Never served in combat and never served in the UK.

B-17 #41-24490 / Jack The Ripper

41-24490 / Jack The Ripper

Assigned 324BS/91BG [DF-C] Bangor 31/8/42; Bassingbourn 26/9/42; JACK THE RIPPER. Missing in Action 27+m Oschersleben 22/2/44 with Jim Considine, Co-pilot: Norman Stuckey, Bombardier: Jack Remers, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Melvin Washburn, Radio Operator: Jim Naughton, Ball turret gunner: John Dias, Waist gunner: John Stipewia & broke leg on landing, Waist gunner: Don Day,Tail gunner: Vernon PochardtWounded in Action (9 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Henry Schaub (KIA-chute failed to open); two Me 109s KO’d #2, dropped back aiming for cloud cover but more enemy aircraft KO’d two more engines, crashed Gremmendorf, near Albersloh, SE of Munster, Germany; Missing Air Crew Report 2640. (last original aircraft lost).

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 40-2079


Delivered RAF [AN537] as part of Lend-Lease. This was the last B-17C produced; 90 Squadron [WP-L] Polebrook 13-May-41; transferred 220 Squadron [ZZ-L] then [NR-L] Alder-grove, N.I., RAF Coastal Command Development Unit Ballykelly, (Tain) 20-Jun-42, with ASV II installed 8-Oct-42; 214 Squadron (Cheaburgh) Sculthorpe, Oulton; and 1674 HCU (Longtown?) 24-Dec-43; Aldergrove, N.I. 15-Jan-44; Struck Off Charge 1-Sep-44. From 90 Squadron to 220 Squadron [MB-B], India, RETUS 1-Dec-44.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31175 / Trudy’s Ship

42-31175 / Trudy’s Ship

Delivered Denver 29/9/43; Gr Island 21/10/43; Memphis 15/11/43; Assigned 326BS/92BG [JW-N] Podington 2/12/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44; enemy aircraft, crashed Markluiden, near Heerde, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 1920. TRUDY’S SHIP.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97835


Delivered Denver 10/3/44; with Andre Deglan force landed 36 miles NW of Fort Myers, FL 7/4/45; 88BG Avon Park 31/4/44; 325 BU Avon Park 9/4/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 12/11/45.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3448


Delivered Cheyenne 13/6/43; Scott Fd 9/8/43; force landed base with Ray Irby 11/8/43; Assigned 359BS/303BG Molesworth 18/10/43; 13m Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Henry Eich, Co-pilot: Bill Woodside, Navigator: Jim Carroll, Bombardier: Bill Stein, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Lensonlater repatriated, Ball turret gunner: John Celoni, Waist gunner: Edmond Maggia, Waist gunner: Delton Erdmann,Tail gunner: Ray Gilstraparm shot off (9 Prisoner of War), Radio Operator: Dan Harvey (KIA, body washed up Neinburg, Ger. 5/3/44); ship hit by enemy aircraft and lagged behind, crashed northern edge of Steinhuder Lake, two miles NE of Rehburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1924.

B-17 #42-29524 / Meat Hound

42-29524 / Meat Hound

Delivered Denver 31/12/42; Salina 7/1/43; Morrison 2/12/43; Homestead 14/2/43; Assigned 423BS/306BG [RD-D] Thurleigh 2/3/43; transferred 358BS/303BG [VK-K] Molesworth 30/7/43; 25m Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44; hit by enemy aircraft over Durgerdam, crew bailed over Ijsselmeer, Hol. Pilot brought ship home to crash landed Metfield, Sfk, UK. Missing Air Crew Report 4269. MEAT HOUND.

B-17 #42-37719 / Hellcat

42-37719 / Hellcat

Delivered Long Beach 6/8/43; Walla Walla 15/8/43; Assigned 533BS/381BG [VP-X] Ridgewell 8/10/43; Missing in Action (12m) Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Don Nason, Co-pilot: Joe Byser*, Navigator: Tony Anagnos, Bombardier: Chas Fiery*, Radio Operator: Ralph Lab, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Buster Harrah*, Waist gunner: Paul Stonich, Ball turret gunner: Ray Beus,Tail gunner: George Whitney (9 Killed in Action), Waist gunner: John Lantz (POW-rescued by Urk fishermen); flak damaged three engines, ditched Enkhuizerzand, on Ijsselmer, Zuider Zee, Hol; * bodies never found; (Lantz returned when aircraft recovered from Ijsselmeer in Feb 1975, after aircraft found in June 1966); Missing Air Crew Report 1881. HELLCAT.

B-17 #42-3118 / Daisy June aka Shack Rabbit aka The Green Hornet

42-3118 / Daisy June aka Shack Rabbit aka The Green Hornet

Delivered Cheyenne 27/2/43; Presque Is 8/4/43; Assigned 339BS/96BG [QJ-A] Thurleigh 16/4/43 DAISY JUNE; transferred 413BS SHACK RABBIT; transferred 534BS/381BG [GD-N] Ridgewell 6/7/43; Missing in Action 14m Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Austin Larson, Co-pilot: Francis Wilson, Navigator: Horace Neff, Bombardier: George Regan, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Edwin Nix, Radio Operator: Mike Trainer, Ball turret gunner: Milt Copeland, Waist gunner: John Crawbuck,Tail gunner: Alex Williams (9 Prisoner of War), Waist gunner: Ross Defenbaugh (Killed in Action); two engines KO’d by enemy aircraft & flak, crashed out of control at Goslar near Bernburg, 20 miles SW of Oschersleben, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1875. THE GREEN HORNET.

B-17 #42-30320 / Coy Decoy

42-30320 / Coy Decoy

Delivered Cheyenne 14/5/43; Gore 15/5/43; Cheyenne 20/5/43; Geiger 28/5/43; Gt Falls 7/6/43; Langley 25/6/43; Cutbank 27/6/43; Smoky Hill 1/7/43; Dow Fd 11/7/43; Assigned 569BS/390BG [CC-S] Framlingham 11/7/43; badly damaged 11/12/43 over Emden with Rich Parker, Co-pilot: Frank Stolars, Navigator: Howard VanDine, Bombardier: Homer Lashway, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob Coors (5 Returned to Duty) as pilot limped home; Radio Operator: Francis Brooks, Waist gunner: Bob Johnstone,Tail gunner: Ray Nagle, Ball turret gunner: John Durrett bailed out (4 Prisoner of War), Waist gunner: Gayle Gillenwater(Killed in Action); Missing in Action Kiel 4/1/44; enemy aircraft, crashed Mienesz Farm, Nieuwe Provincialweg, between Scharwoude & Niedorp, Holl. Missing Air Crew Report 2022. COY DE COY.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-39758 / Sky Scrapper

42-39758 / Sky Scrapper

Delivered Long Beach 24/8/43; Assigned 325BS/92BG [NV-K] Podington 2/12/43; Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Joe Tryens, Co-pilot: Norman Burascano, Navigator: Earl Faris, Bombardier: Art Guinnip, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Lester Streeter, Radio Operator: Seymour Weiss, Ball turret gunner: Billy Walker, Waist gunner: Sam Clevenger, Waist gunner: Don Gilbertson,Tail gunner: John Cramer (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Kotte Farm, Almelo, near Albergen, Hol. Missing Air Crew Report 1921. SKY SCRAPPER.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-3486 / Invictus

42-3486 / Invictus

Delivered Denver 10/7/43; Rome 24/7/43; Assigned 812BS/482BG [MI-D] Alconbury 22/9/43 (H2-X); Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Paul McGinnis, Co-pilot: Roy Peterson, Navigator: Clarry Bevins, John O’Brien{ex nav}, Bombardier: George Wylie, Waist gunner: Joe Keane, Waist gunner: Angelo Riccardi,Tail gunner: Harry Sutton (8 Killed in Action); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Will Glenn, Radio Operator: Ray Rajala, Ball turret gunner: Eulan Mills (3 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Ijselmeer, Holl. Missing Air Crew Report 2522. (Found Oost-Flevoland, with two bodies 3/68, and strike photos).

B-17 #42-37950 / Dinah Might

42-37950 / Dinah Might

Delivered Denver 23/10/43; Walla Walla 9/11/43; Assigned 731BS/452BG [7D-D] Deopham Green 4/1/44; 1m Missing in Action Frankfurt 10/2/44; enemy aircraft, crash landed Noord-Oost Polder, near Leeuwarden, Hol. some wreckage found years later when part of Zuider Zee was cleared. Missing Air Crew Report 2538. DINAH (DYNAH) MITE.

B-17 #41-24486 / Man O’ War

41-24486 / Man O’ War

B-17F 41-24486 ‘Man O’ War’ assigned 306BG/367BS Westover 17-August-42; Thurleigh 13-October-1942; Missing in Action on mission to bomb the U-Boat pens at St Nazaire, France. 9-Nov-1942. Hit by flak KO’d #2, with two others damaged, crashed into the harbour at St. Nazaire, France. 11KIA MACR 16172.