Boeing B-17 #42-31361 / The Punched Fowl
Lost by flak/aa-fire / (04 August 1944)“The best bomber which was ever built. She could handle extensive damage and still stay in the air.”
General Ira C. Eaker
Boeing B-17 #42-31361 / The Punched Fowl
Lost by flak/aa-fire / (04 August 1944)Boeing B-17 #42-37781 / Silver Dollar
Lost by friendly-fire / (09 March 1944)Boeing B-17 #42-31073 / Billie-Del
Crashlanding / Battle damaged / (31 December 1943)Boeing B-17 #42-31540 / Miss Donna Mae II
Lost by friendly-fire / (19 May 1944)Delivered Dallas 26/9/44; Hunter 26/10/44; Dow Fd 31/10/44; Assigned 358BS/303BG [VK-W] Molesworth 5/1/45; battle damaged Hamburg 30/3/45 with Capt Hugh Johnson, Maj Glynn Sinmake, Herb Hanson, Bob Wallace {ex nav}, Wallace Burkett, Gene Edwards, Bob Carter, Harry Peck, Harry Hopkins, Capt Larry Lifshus {radar nav} (10 Prisoner of War); force landed continent; Salvaged 22/4/45. MACR 13539
Delivered Denver 2/12/43; Kearney 17/12/43; Romulus 6/1/44; Kearney 7/1/44; Memphis 9/1/44; Presque Is 10/1/44; Assigned 612BS/401BG [SC-B] Deenethorpe 31/1/44; 134m crash landed Polebrook 22/4/44. But survived the war. FANCY NANCY IV.
Delivered Cheyenne 23/10/43; Walla Walla 6/11/43; Assigned 452BG [ -S] Deopham Green 4/1/44; with Kuhlmeier, caught fire on return from mission Salvaged 11/4/44.
Delivered: Dallas 18/4/44; Kearney 2/6/44; Dow Fd 27/6/44; Assigned: 835BS/486BG [H8-R] (H8-V?) Sudbury 28/6/44; battle damage Frankfurt 8/1/45 Pilot: ‘; forced landing continent; Salvaged. 30/1/45. Superstitious Aloysius
Delivered Cheyenne 22/2/44; Rapid City 8/3/44; Grenier 21/4/44; Assigned: 398BG Nuthampstead 25/4/44; no ops, Transferred: 366BS/305BG Chelveston 1/5/44; MIA battle area support 13/8/44 Pilot: Wendell Terry, Henry Richardson (2POW); Tom Crow (KIA); Joe Robichaud, Henry Schiengold, Chas Kittle, Frank Holland, John Lanz, Theo Meek (6RTD); flak, crashed Flers, Fr; MACR 10709.
Assigned 20AF HQ in Guam, used by Gen Walter Krueger; called BILLY.
Delivered Fairfield 4/9/44; Hunter 25/9/44; Grenier 3/10/44; Assigned 601BS/398BG Nuthampstead 11/10/44; transferred 427BS/303BG [GN-A] Molesworth 28/10/44; Missing in Action Germersheim 13/1/45 with pilot 2Lt Oliver T Eisenhart, copilot 2Lt Henry McCullough, Navigator 2Lt Maurice Merrick, Bombardier F/O Herring Joyce, Flight Eng S/Sgt Sam Hindman, Radio Sgt Bernie Kaufmann, Ball turret Sgt Bill Kimber, Waist gun Sgt Jack Thompson, tail gun Sgt Therman Conaway (9 Killed in Action); direct flak hit in the tail, crashed Roxheim, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 11574.
Delivered Cheyenne 5/3/44; Kearney 5/4/44; Pilot: David Steele forced landing base 16/4/44; Dow Fd 6/5/44; Assigned: 750BS/457BG Glatton [G] 7/5/44; MIA LKe Bouget A/fd 14/6/44 w/Chas Blackwell, Co-Pilot: Theo Baskette, Radio Operator: Ed Nabozny, Waist Gunner: Francis McCall (4EVD); Navigator: Irving Meyers, Bombardier: Verne Boon, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Tom Howard, Waist Gunner: Tom Leahy, Tail Gunner: Sylvester Kuraszkiewicz (5POW); flak hits KOd two engine, crashed Fluery-la-Faret, 25 miles W of Beauvais, Fr; MACR 5805. WHAT’S NEXT’
Delivered Long Beach 22/10/43; Assigned 92BG Podington 5/12/43; transferred 324BS/91BG [DF-Z] Bassingbourn 10/1/44, then 323BS [OR-Z]; 40m Missing in Action Dessau 30/5/44 with Zack Collier, Co-pilot: John Kelleher, Navigator: William Paul Clements, Bombardier: Harry McDermott, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Ward, Radio Operator: Steve Kogut, Ball turret gunner: George Zimheld, Waist gunner: Tom Cogdill, Tail gunner: Chas Semon (9 Killed in Action); flak KO’d two engines, nothing else heard from, or seen of a/c, assumed to have crashed in the sea; Missing Air Crew Report 5355. BALTIMORE ORIOLE aka JUST PLAIN LONESOME.
Delivered Denver 29/1/43; Assigned 401BS/91BG [LL-B] Bassingbourn 22/4/43; Missing in Action 16m Schweinfurt 17/8/43 with Gene Lockhart, Co-pilot: Clive Woodbury, Navigator: Granville Williams, Bombardier: Bob Sherwin, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ted Cetnarowski, Radio Operator: Bill Darden, Ball turret gunner: George Serafin, Waist gunner: Chester Raphoom, Waist gunner: John Husick,Tail gunner: Art Burns (10 Returned to Duty); severely damaged by enemy aircraft, continued to target but never reached home base, ditched North Sea, all rescued by RAF Walrus from Hawkinge and taxied back to Ramsgate. HITLER’S GREMLIN.
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