B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-29797 / Old Ironsides

B-17 #42-29797 / Old Ironsideszoom_in



  • RCL: LL-Y

Missions: 2


History of
B-17 42-29797 / Old Ironsides

Delivered Cheyenne 19/2/43; Will Rogers 5/3/43; Assigned 401BS/91BG [LL-Y] Bassingbourn 18/5/43; Missing in Action 2m Huls 22/6/43 with Buster Peck, Co-pilot: Francis Porada, Navigator: Gerry Williams, Bombardier: Chauncey Hicks, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray Thompson, Radio Operator: Jim Osborne, Ball turret gunner: Russell Hatton, Waist gunner: Norbert Suierz, Waist gunner: Bill Ziegler (9 Returned to Duty);Tail gunner: Evert Lindberg (KIA-body washed up near Alkmaar 17/7/43); enemy aircraft KO’d #4 and some controls, ditched Channel, crew rescued by RAF Air Sea Rescue boat. OLD IRONSIDES.

Last updated: 24. March 2018


B-17 42-29797 / Old Ironsides Details

Damaged by a bomb that was dropped on the right horizontal stabilizer and elevator during a raid over Bremen on 11 June 1943 on its first mission. Returned and repaired. MIA 22 June 1943 on its second mission.


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