von U.S. Air Force [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
B-17F-85-BO: 42-30032 to 42-30131
- Bomb Group:
- 384th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 547th Bomb Squadron
History of
B-17 42-30043 / Ruthless
Delivered Cheyenne to 3/4/43; Sioux City 14/4/43; Kearney 4/5/43; Bangor 23/5/43; Assigned to the 547BS/384BG [SO-V] Grafton Underwood on 29 May 1943; Missing in Action Frankfurt 4 October 1943 with Giles Felker Kauffman, Co-pilot: George Molnar, Navigator: Frank Pogorzelski, Bombardier: James J. Lacroix, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: William Jarrell, Radio Operator: Jules Theodore Beck, Ball turret gunner: Jacob M. Martinez, Waist gunner: Paul Spodar, Waist gunner: Peter Seniansky,Tail gunner: Stanley Thomas Reuben (10 Returned to Duty); ditched North Sea, all rescued by HM drifter ‘Lord Keith’. No MACR. RUTHLESS.
Last updated: 16. May 2017
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