B-17G-55-DL: 44-6501 to 44-6625
- Bomb Group:
- 463rd Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 772nd Bomb Squadron
MACR: 12999
History of
B-17 44-6555
Delivered Hunter 6/9/44; Grenier 21/9/44; Assigned 772BS/463BG Celone 11/10/44; Missing in Action Ruhland 15/3/45 with Walt Griffith, Co-pilot: Isles O’Malley, Navigator: John Fyfe, Bombardier: Dan Thomas, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Darwin Bartow, Radio Operator: Gerald Moty, Ball turret gunner: Erwin Lange, Waist gunner: Paul Mitchell, Waist gunner: Richard Oberly,Tail gunner: Don Baker, ?-Emil Meersand (11POW?); flak, crashed Gorlitz; Missing Air Crew Report 12999.
Last updated: 24. February 2019
23. October 2019 access_time 15:45
Some of the names of the crew and their assignments listed are wrong. The correct information is as follows:
Pilot: Walter Griffith
Co-pilot: Isles (Pat) O’Malley
Bombardier: Jack Thomas
Navigator: Jack Fyfe
Flight engineer: Darwin Bartow
Radio operator: Gerald Koty
Right waist gunner: Jack Mitchell
Left waist gunner: Erwin (Irv) Lang
Ball turret gunner: Richard (Shorty) Oberley
Tail gunner: Don Baker
I got this information directly from the radio operator, Gerald Koty, who was my uncle. When the plane was shot down on its 21st mission on March 15, 1945, all ten crew members jumped, landing in Hungary. They were all captured and taken prisoner but survived the war.
Paul Globus