B-17G-95-DL: 44-83686 to 44-83885
History of
B-17 44-83809
Delivered Syracuse 18/6/45; Bermuda 11/45 for diplomatic mission; ret Bolling Fd, Washington, before another special mission to Russia 1/46; Assigned 1103 BU Morrison 5/46; Bolling 11/46; transferred United States Coast Guard 10/2/48 VIP transport [83809]; Returned to USAFF 22/12/48, Assigned 1100 Special Air Mission Gp, Bolling; Davis Monthan, Az 11/7/56; sold Lloyd Aero Bolivianos 18/12/56 as CP-626, crashed Caranavi, Bol 25/10/59.
Last updated: 11. May 2019
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