B-17 Flying Fortress - Production-block B-17F-80-BO: 42-29932 to 42-30031

Modifications to this production-block

Fuel tanks (‘Tokyo’) in outer wing sections, tail wheel up limit switch and electrical motor changes added. Engine fire extinguisher system and bomb-bay fuel tanks deleted.

B-17 Flying Fortresses in this production-block

S/N Unit Fate Manufacturer
42-29992 / Connie
42-29993 / Carroll Jun photo
42-29994 photo
42-29995 photo
42-29996 / Flag Ship photo
42-29997 / Sack photo
42-29999 / Fertile Myrtle photo
42-30001 / Mary Ann
42-30002 / Damifino aka The WAAC Hunter
42-30003 / War Eagle
42-30004 / Janice photo
42-30005 / Salvage Queen photo
42-30008 / Ready Teddy photo
42-30009 / Feather Merchant photo
42-30010 / Shgrber Shuttle Svs ltd
42-30011 / Widget