B-17G-15-DL: 42-37804 to 42-37893
- Bomb Group:
- 94th Bomb Group
- Bomb Squadron:
- 410th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 4157 / KSU/ME/KU: 1565, 1553
History of
B-17 42-37852 / Grand Old Lady aka The Pay Off
Delivered Denver 20/9/43; Gr Island 3/10/43; ass 410BS/94BG [GL-T] Rougham 9/10/43 as GRAND OLD LADY; MIA Berlin 18/4/44 Pilot: Matt Dillard, Co-Pilot: Eli Theriault, Navigator: Tom McQuade, Bombardier: Tom O’Leary, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Henry Swedergal, Radio Operator: Stan Schaefer, Ball Turret Gunner: Delzeon Dennison, Waist Gunner: Neil Weeks, Waist Gunner: Henry Wojciechowski (9POW); wg-Frank Timberlake (KIA); Enemy aircraft, crashed Vietznitz, four miles E of Freisach, Germany. MACR 4157. THE PAY OFF.
Last updated: 25. September 2020
B-17 42-37852 / Grand Old Lady aka The Pay Off Details
This aircraft was a member of the lead Group of a Combat Wing. All A/C were on the bomb run flying at 25000 feet. Weather was clear with no undercast as the bomb run was begun. At altitude, clouds were encountered as the bomb run progressed. Clouds became solid so the Group began descent so as to get under them. Just as the Group emerged, from the upper clouds and leveled off, flying at 23000 feet, the Group was attacked by a close formation of about 40-70 S/E enemy A/C which were practically directly on to of our formation. Two (2) passes were made on this Group, both being head-on in close formation and well pressed. About 80 enemy aircraft were in the formation making the second attack. This aircraft dropped out of formation and was last seen in the target area. It is believed that this aircraft was observed flying NNE of Berlin and losing altitude rapidly. Two (2) chutes were observed. No other observations or information available.
Source: MACR 4157
B-17 42-37852 / Grand Old Lady aka The Pay Off Crew
Position | Rank | Name | Status | Note |
P | 2LT | Matthew L. Dillard | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Eli Theriault | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | Thomas A. McQuade | POW | - |
BOMB | 2LT | Thomas E. O'Leary | POW | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | Henry J. Swidergal | POW | - |
RO | T/SGT | Stanley Schaefer | UNK | - |
BT | S/SGT | Delzon I. Dennison | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | Neil E. Weeks | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | Frank E. Timberlake | KIA | - |
TG | S/SGT | Henry E. Wojciechowski | POW | - |
08. February 2024 access_time 15:10
My father Henery F Wojciechowski was the tail gunner and ships armorer. He wa wesponsible for the workings of all the guns and loading od the bombs. POW at Luft Stalag 17
31. August 2024 access_time 21:14
I’m living very close to this Crash, i would love to know more about it and maybe one Day able to find rest of this B17. Our 725th anniversary book also says that an enemy bomber was shot down about 3km behind the village, perhaps it was exactly that one. The pilot was arrested by Franz Schröder from the village.
But perhaps this is another bomber that was shot down here but has not yet been marked.
03. September 2024 access_time 19:33
Jonas, die deutschen Berichte zu dem Tag und der Zeit scheinen ziemlich durcheinander. Es ist eine B-17 2,2km südlich Barnewitz abgestürzt, das war aber wschl. nicht die 42-37852… dann wurden noch Gefangene in der Umgebung von Friesack gemacht. Mehr hab ich mir jetzt aber nicht angeguckt, wird mir zu kompliziert.
03. September 2024 access_time 20:21
Hey Stephan.
Wo hast du das nachgeschaut? In unserer Dorf Historie steht außerdem auch noch das am 04.03.1944 ca 800m hinter dem Dorf ein deutsches Jagdflugzeug abstürzte und man am 06.03.1944 vergeblich versuchte den toten Piloten und das Flugzeug zu bergen. Also liegt das Wrack evtl dort immer noch.
04. September 2024 access_time 6:28
Auf catalog(punkt)archives(punkt)gov findet man die MACRs und die deutschen KU- und J-Berichte, also die amerikanischen und deutschen Berichte zu Flugzeugverlusten. Im MACR 4157 findet man Hinweise auf den Bericht KU-1552. Ein kurzer Blick dort rein zeigt aber das Durcheinander, und weiter habe ich mich nicht damit beschäftigt, da Deine Region außerhalb meines Forschungsareals liegt. Man müßte die KUs und MACRs zu den anderen infrage kommenden Abstürzen suchen und sichten. So etwas artet gerne ein bißchen aus 🙁 Deutsche Flieger sind hier zwar nicht das Thema, am 4.3. 44 sind aber ca. 4 Bf109 in Deiner Region abgestürzt, wenn ich das richtig gesehen habe.