B-17G-35-BO: 42-31932 bis 42-32116
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 483rd Bomb Group
- 99th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 346th Bomb Squadron
- 840th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 6948
Einsätze: 43
Geschichte der
B-17 42-32028 / Mighty Mike
Delivered Denver 18/1/44; MacDill 2/2/44; Morrison 9/3/44; Assigned 840BS/483BG Tortorella 13/3/44; transferred 346BS/99BG Tortorella 31/3/44; Missing in Action {43m} Ploesti 22/7/44 with Sid Carr, Bell, Glenn, Lemingh, Strash, Neel, Nepil, Runyon (8 Prisoner of War); Flynn, Ahr (2 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Bucharest; Missing Air Crew Report 6948.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2. Juli 2018
09. November 2021 access_time 3:56
My father-in-law–Charles F. Kuntz (who is 98 and still doing well) was the tail gunner in the Might Mike in this actual photo. He flew 50 bombing missions.