B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-3441

B-17 42-3441
Foto der B-17 #42-3441 / Patches II aka The Spotted Cow



Delivered to Denver 14/6/43; Kearney 19/7/43; Assigned to the 547th BS, squadron code SO-E, 384th BG, Station 106, Grafton Underwood, UK on 9/8/43; when war weary the ship was used as an assembly ship, painted white with sky blue polka dots; Returned to the USA Grenier 24/9/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 12/12/45 THE SPOTTED COW aka PATCHES II.

Zurück zur B-17 42-3441 / Patches II aka The Spotted Cow