B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-37959-esky

B-17 42-37959-esky
Foto der B-17 #42-37959 / Esky



Delivered Denver 25/10/43; Gr Island 12/11/43; Assigned 550BS/385BG Gt Ashfield 5/12/43; Missing in Action Munster 23/3/44 with Gene Stubler, Co-pilot: Vic Linton, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John Thompson, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Tom Thompson (4 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Gil Sapiro, Radio Operator: Max Handler, Ball turret gunner: Lambertus Ritzema, Waist gunner: Namon Davis, Waist gunner: Levi Tucker,Tail gunner: Delmar Arvey (6 Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed Oerrel, seven miles SW of Wittingen, N of Brunswick, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 3317. ESKY.

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