44-8018 / Margie
Delivered Dallas 14/5/44; Langley 26/6/44; Dow Fd 15/7/44; Assigned 840BS/483BG PFF Sterparone 4/8/44; crash landed base with Chas Schweigman 9/2/45; MARGlE.
Delivered Dallas 14/5/44; Langley 26/6/44; Dow Fd 15/7/44; Assigned 840BS/483BG PFF Sterparone 4/8/44; crash landed base with Chas Schweigman 9/2/45; MARGlE.
Delivered Dallas 3/9/43; Las Vegas 27/9/43; Tinker 14/12/43; 3030 BU Roswell 21/9/43; 3010 BU Williams 16/11/44; 3020 BU La Junta 26/3/456; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 1/8/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 3/11/43; Assigned 52FS/6FG 8/12/43 via Goose Bay and RAF Valley to Soxo; with Capt George Bush, Co-pilot: Orrin Burt, Navigator: Don Cunningham, Radio Operator: Steve Szady, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Don Rimel, plus five pass: Lts Vic Doorley, Bob Nimberger, Sgts-John Brighton, Virgil Godlove & Virgil Reynolds (10 Killed in Service). Missing Air Crew Report 1190.
Delivered Cheyenne 20/3/44; Gr Island 12/4/44; Dow Fd 28/4/44; Assigned: 570BS/390BG [DI-B] Framlingham 3/5/44 MARY JANE; mechanical problems and battle damage, plus # 3 & 4 smoking Saarbrucken 9/11/44 Pilot: ‘; crash-landed continent; crew bailed NE St Quentin, but no credit sortie; Salvaged. 29/11/44. MAIRZEY DOATS aka MIS’TER COMPLETELY..
Delivered Cheyenne 8/3/44; Hunter 21/3/44; Homestead 15/4/44; Assigned 817BS/4783BG Sterparone 19/4/44; {92m} Returned to the USA Bradley 12/7/44; 4185 BU Independence 15/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 21/12/45. JANIE.
Delivered Ogden 15/10/43; Tooele 1/11/43; 3021 BU Las Vegas 9/10/44; 3017 BU Hobbs 22/5/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 4/1/46.
Delivered Hunter 18/6/44; Presque Is 28/6/44; Assigned 414BS/97BG Amendola 3/7/44; Missing in Action Ploesti 22/7/44 with George Call, Dallas, McCallum, Titus, Basquill, Baker, Garland, Aiello, Owen, Liwge; flak, exploded crashed Ploesti; Missing Air Crew Report 7094.
Delivered Long Beach 7/9/43; Scott 29/9/43; ass 534BS/381BG [GD-F] Ridgewell 19/10/43; {4+m} MIA Leverkusen 1/12/43 Pilot: Harold Hytinen, Co-Pilot: Bill Cronin, Navigator: Rich Maustead{all 3 wia}, rest ‘ (10RTD); battle damage crash-landed Allhallows, Kent, UK, 3WIA; sal 2 SAD Watton, Nfk 2/12/43.
Delivered Cheyenne 22/12/43; Kearney 18/1/44; Assigned 365BS/305BG Chelveston 22/2/44; transferred 401BG Deenethorpe 20/5/45; Returned to the USA 121 BU Bradley 7/6/45; Tulsa 10/6/45; 4168 Base Unit, South Plains, Texas 13/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 29/11/45. BETSY.
Delivered Denver 17/7/43; Geiger 8/8/43; Walla Walla 28/8/43; Redmond 15/8/43; Assigned: 569BS/390BG [CC-Y] Framlingham 12/9/43 CINCINNATI QUEEN; while on mission 11/5/44 S/Sgt Rich Caserio was killed by friendly fire when ships were testing guns; MIA Berlin 21/6/44 Pilot: Malcolm Dinsmore (KIA); crew ‘ (9RTD), mech failure, and ditched, pilot drowned rest of crew saved. BLUES IN THE NIGHT.
Delivered Cheyenne 28/7/44; Hunter 8/8/44; Dow Fd 30/8/44; Assigned 569BS/390BG [CC-V] Framlingham 2/9/44; Returned to the USA Bradley 30/6/45; 4168 Base Unit, South Plains, Texas 6/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 28/11/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 22/12/43; Dallas 5/1/44; Lakeland 11/1/44; Morrison 16/2/44; Assigned 773BS/463BG Celone 19/2/44; Missing in Action Ploesti 18/5/44 with Leo Bollei, Co-pilot: Syd Fisher, Navigator: Bill Karlovitz, Bombardier: Keith Winder, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Wilburn Seal, Radio Operator: Ed Buffington, Ball turret gunner: Leslie Jensen, Waist gunner: Ray Crouch, Waist gunner: Joe Cutrone,Tail gunner: Jack Haney; enemy aircraft, crashed Gaeti, Rom; Missing Air Crew Report 5834.
Delivered Cheyenne 20/12/43; Gt Falls 21/12/43; Cheyenne 7/1/44; Lakeland 9/1/44; Morrison 23/2/44; Assigned 774BS/463BG Celone 25/2/44; Missing in Action Budapest 14/7/44 with Ralph Parks, Co-pilot: Jim Schwartz, Navigator: Ed Eagan, Bombardier: Martin Fainer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: J.D. Bennett, Radio Operator: Curtis Snell, Ball turret gunner: Don Haggard, Waist gunner: Ollo Shook, Waist gunner: Bill Tatum,Tail gunner: Joe Merkle; flak, crashed Budapest. Missing Air Crew Report 6858. PYSONYA.
Delivered Cheyenne 3/9/43; 3030 BU Roswell 2/6/44; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Albuquerque 9/8/45.
Delivered Denver 14/10/43; Las Vegas 27/10/43; 3021 BU Las Vegas 15/3/45; 2126 BU Laredo 1/4/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 11/1/46.
Delivered Lincoln 29/8/44; Grenier 17/9/44; Assigned: 749BS/457BG [R] Glatton 17/10/44; landing accident on base Pilot: Murton Barry 12/5/45; Salvaged. 13/5/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 4/10/42; West Palm Beach 11/12/43; Assigned 97BG Tafaraoui 22/12/42; Biskra 25/12/42; Chateau-du-Rhumel 3/2/43; Pont-du-Fahs 1/8/43; Depienne 15/8/43; transferred 99BG Oudna 14/11/43; Tortorella 11/12/43; {29m} Salvaged 26/2/45; Returned to the USA Homestead 23/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Altus 4/10/45. MUD HEN.
Delivered Cheyenne 30/6/43; Moses lake 29/7/43; 497BG Pratt 8/7/44; ASC 4136 BU Tinker 15/7/44;246 BU Pratt 6/8/44; 29BG Pratt 10/9/44; 4136 BU Tinker 3/10/44; 233 BU Davis Monthan 23/2/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 23/11/45.Delivered Cheyenne 30/6/43; Moses lake 29/7/43; 497BG Pratt 8/7/44; ASC 4136 BU Tinker 15/7/44;246 BU Pratt 6/8/44; 29BG Pratt 10/9/44; 4136 BU Tinker 3/10/44; 233 BU Davis Monthan 23/2/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 23/11/45.
Delivered Tulsa 20/3/44; MacDill 31/3/44; 327 BU Drew 7/12/44; Recl Comp 1/1/45.
Delivered Cheyenne 30/5/44; Kearney 9/6/44; Grenier 28/6/44; Assigned 571BS/390BG [FC-Y] Framlingham 29/6/44; Returned to the USA Bradley 5/7/45; 4168 Base Unit, South Plains, Texas 6/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 1/12/45. GENTLEMAN JIM.
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