B-17G-55-BO: 42-102544 bis 42-102743
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 305th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 365th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 8435
Geschichte der
B-17 42-102609
Delivered Cheyenne 18/3/44; Hunter 9/4/44; Dow Fd 29/4/44; Assigned: 365BS/305BG [XK-B] Chelveston 30/4/44; battle damage Delitzsch, Germany. 16/8/44 Pilot: Chas Laverdierre, Art Leuthhesser, Warren Shepler, Warren Walhauser, Earl Harris, Leo Korland (6RTD); Salvatore Pepitone (POW); Don Gault, Leroy Marsh (2KIA); Salvaged. 2 SAD 17/8/44. MACR 8435.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. Juni 2024
B-17 42-102609 Details
Das Flugzeug Nr. 42-102609 wurde kurz nach dem Ziel von einem feindlichen Flugzeug getroffen. Der Heckschütze sprang ab, und man sah, wie sich sein Fallschirm öffnete. Der Kugelturm erlitt einen Volltreffer und wurde dadurch zerstört, und der Kugelturmschütze fiel heraus. Es wird nicht angenommen, dass er einen Fallschirm trug. Der Bordschütze kam ums Leben, und der Rest der Besatzung landete in Earls Colne, England.
Sgt. Edward G. Coberly
365th Bomb Squadron
Quelle: MACR 8435
19. Juni 2024 access_time 14:36
Hello, the person in the tail gunner position on the the B17 in the second clip was my grandfather. He survived. He either bailed out of the plane or was forced out. He parachuted to safety and was a POW for the rest of the war. His name is Salvatore William (Sonny) Pepitone.
26. Juni 2024 access_time 23:13
Was Pepitone injured prior to the bailout? Because it was a miracle that he survived, even as a POW, while two other crewmen were killed by the 30mm cannon fire.
27. Juni 2024 access_time 0:14
Hello, no he was not injured as far as I know. His canopy could have exploded around him as the 30 mm mine shells that hit his plane rely on shockwaves rather than fragmentation. Also, the mine shells lose momentum quickly as they are the lighter alternative for the MK 108 auto cannon. So, penetration was a bit more difficult for this shell at normal distances. He could have just simply bailed after losing contact after explosion. Sonny died in 1997 so I can’t confirm with him. take care -Dan