B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 42-102664 / Happy Bottom

B-17 #42-102664 / Happy Bottomzoom_in


  • RCL: VE-F

Einsätze: 8


Geschichte der
B-17 42-102664 / Happy Bottom

Delivered Cheyenne 24/3/44; Kearney 14/4/44; Dow Fd 29/4/44; Assigned 532BS/381BG [VE-F] Ridgewell 19/5/44; Missing in Action {8m} Munich 16/7/44 with Jack MacGregor, Co-pilot: Jim Schomburg, Navigator: John Krc, Bombardier: Alex Stepanich, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Chas Hodges, Radio Operator: John J. Smith, Ball turret gunner: Lloyd Roedding, Waist gunner: John Marinace,Tail gunner: Les Alexander (9 Returned to Duty); ditched Nth Sea off Clacton, Ex, and all rescued by ASR; HAPPY BOTTOM.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 4. Oktober 2019


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