B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-29768
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Delivered Cheyenne 17/2/43; Walker 27/2/43; Salina 5/3/43; Gulfport 31/3/43; Assigned 334BS/95BG [BG-G] Alconbury 9/4/43 WINSOME WINN; Framlingham 12/5/43; 4m, battle damaged Lorient 17/5/43 with W. Thomas; crash landed Southern UK, (10 Returned to Duty); The aircraft was repaired and transferred to the 547BS/384BG [SO-X] Grafton Underwood 28/6/43; Missing in Action on a mission to Solingen, Germany, 1 December 1943 with Pilot-Darwin George Nelson, Co-pilot-Elmer Leroy Smith, Navigator-T/Sgt Joseph Horatio Harrison, Bombardier-Sam Ellis Drake, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner-Vincent Gregorich, Ball Turret Gunner-John Harvey Turner, Waist Gunner-Antonio C. Gomez Jr., Waist Gunner-Francis Marvin Seager (8POW); The Radio Operator-Curtis Easley and Tail Gunner-Albert Brewer evaded capture;. Shot down by enemy aircraft and crashed near Solingen, Germany. Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) #1336. Aircraft Name: WINSOME WINN II