B-17F-120-BO: 42-30732 bis 42-30831
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 388th Bomb Group
- 390th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 570th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 3180
Geschichte der
B-17 42-30783 / The Stork Club
Delivered Cheyenne 28/7/43; Scott 9/8/43; Assigned: 388BG Knettishall 24/8/43; Transferred: 570BS/390BG [DI-M] 25/8/43; on Bremen mission 20/12/43 suffered severe flak damage with two engines out; crewmen McLaughlin, Graber, Bean, Shelby, Cox bailed near Wilhelmshaven, Savage{wia}, pilot brought the ship back to Raydon, Sfk., fighter base before returning the base; MIA Augsburg 16/3/44 Pilot: Vince DeMayo, Co-Pilot: Bob Spicer, Bombardier: Chester Brenizer, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Jack Willoughby, Ball Turret Gunner: Pvt Jim Dawes, Waist Gunner: Jerome Blatt, Waist Gunner: Erwin Hodsdon (8KIA); Navigator: Harry Button, Tail Gunner: Bill Thornburg (2POW); Enemy aircraft, crashed Lautern-Heubach road, six miles E of Schwabish Gmund, Germany. MACR 3180. THE STORK CLUB.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. August 2018
13. April 2021 access_time 0:56
My father Gordon Brown was the co-pilot on the Bremen raid. The bombardier was a guy named Doc. He suggested The Stork Club for a name because he knew the owner of The Stork Club in New York City and figured he could pretty much drink and eat for free when he came back.
31. Dezember 2022 access_time 18:29
My father, James B. Savage was the bombardier on “The Stork Club”. You are correct, he was responsible for the name, and did know the owner of the club in NYC. His nickname was “doc” He spoke often of your Dad as “Brownie” – and the pilot was Phil Dower, who was a quasi-godfather to me. If you would like to discuss this more (I went to Parham and saw their airfield and museum) shoot me an email. I live in Virginia
18. Februar 2023 access_time 17:31
James, I am Nate’s older brother. I have tried to find some crew pictures but dad told me he didn’t think there were any. I know there are in the Pima Air Museum. Dad told me that he tried to contact your father a couple of times but got no response but I would enjoy speaking with you and comparing stories if you are ok with that. If so send me an email with your number and we can arrange to talk.
19. Februar 2023 access_time 17:05
Mike: My email address is savage2226@hotmail.com; shoot me an email anytime and I will respond. We can discuss our respective fathers and their WWII time. Look forward to hearing from you. Jim
20. Februar 2023 access_time 15:56
Mike/Nate: Don’t know if you got my last message – email address is savage2226@hotmail.com. Send me an email direct to that address and I will respond with phone info. We can talk. Jim Savage
13. April 2021 access_time 2:07
My father Gordon Brown was the co-pilot on the Bremen raid and told me this. They had two engines out and were having trouble with a third one. They were shot to hell and the communications were out. The pilot dove for the ground because they had two fighters on them. The crew thought they were going down (so did the fighters, so they left) and bailed out. They were so low when they leveled out, my dad said they were coming up for the trees. He told me they were over the Netherlands and saw that people in the fields kept pointing in a certain direction. It took them a minute to realize the people were pointing towards England and would have been shot if the nazis had seen them do it. When they got back, they counted 780 holes in the aircraft from the flak and fighters.
28. Juli 2023 access_time 8:19
jim dawes was my great uncle ! when his mother died she was buried with his dress uniform she said it wouldn’t mean nothing to anyone else but ment do much to her she never really got over it I was told! I’ve looked high and low for a picture of the plane and crew but can’t find none! says on his tombstone that he was buried in france!
11. April 2024 access_time 20:57
Jason, He’s buried in St Avold Lorraine Cemetary near Metz France. I can send you a picture of the marker if you want.
26. Juli 2024 access_time 20:59
please do oh my just now seen this reply please that would be awesome! I would be do grateful!
26. Juli 2024 access_time 21:01
that would make me so happy please do!
10. September 2023 access_time 19:13
My husbands uncle jack willougby was on the bomber and a top turret. We are trying to find pictures and information for my husband. He has been searching for information on his uncle for years. If anyone can help out in sending information, that would be amazing.
Thank you. My email is 1meredithconcepcion@gmail.com