B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-31569
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Delivered Denver 23/11/43; Gt Falls 25/11/43; Cheyenne 11/12/43; Kearney 21/12/43; Romulus 6/1/44; Grenier 9/1/44; Presque Is 10/1/44; Assigned 534BS/381BG [GD-E] Ridgewell 19/2/44; Missing in Action 4m Ludwigshafen 3/9/44 with Omar Fulton, Co-pilot: Bob Harrington, Bombardier: Rich Geer, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Theo Jefferson, Radio Operator: Roger Martin, Ball turret gunner: Jim Grubbs, Waist gunner: Franklin Berry,Tail gunner: Carl Von Goeben (8 evaded capture); Navigator: Bob Conly (Prisoner of War); battle damaged KO’d #2, then another was lost and it was decided to crash landed on neutral territory; it did so Damerey, NE of Chalon-sur-Saone, France; all were captured but eight escaped from a box car and returned UK by 21/9/44; Salvaged 5/5/45. SWEET PATTOOTIE.