B-17F-50-DL: 42-3339 bis 42-3393
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 94th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 333rd Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-3346 / Tuff Titty
Delivered Denver 17/5/43; Dow Fd 22/5/43; Assigned 333BS/94BG [TS-C] Rougham 25/6/43; 8WEA Rec Cheddington 6/44; Salvaged 10/12/44; Returned to the USA Patterson 2/3/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Cincinnati 30/7/45. TUFF TITTY.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 7. November 2018
18. April 2019 access_time 4:39
Found picture B-17F-50-DL
42-3346 that my friends dad was assigned to. The “A” of 91st BG has been subdued & a white “H” has been added below the s/n on the tail. I believe he told me they were assigned to weather recon & VIP transport 1944 – 1945. Pic shows no name on nose, prop hub on number 1 looks like it may be red or dark blue. Inboard number 2 hub natural aluminum. Could be a few new cowl flaps on number 1 also.
12. April 2020 access_time 14:04
42-3347 ,was named Charlene and assigned to 550th BS 385th BG …42-3347 Crash landed after Schweinfurt raid and was salvaged 14/10/43 ….Emery Chesmore pilot and crew bailed out .I have a photo of Chesmore and his Crew if you’d like a copy.
29. Januar 2023 access_time 18:44
Where did the crew bale out?
05. April 2021 access_time 18:17
01. Dezember 2022 access_time 21:00
My grandfather was a tail gunner on a B-17 named the Tuff Titty. I have found two going by that name and was just wondering if anyone on here had any information that might help me determine which one he was assigned to. He has long since passed away and the information that I have from him was the name of the aircraft, and that he was in North Africa, Tunisia to be exact, and Italy.
18. November 2023 access_time 20:09
This should be 42-3346. The database has 2 42-3347s.