B-17 Flying Fortress - Foto der B-17 42-37754
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Delivered Denver 17/8/43; Assigned 534BS/381 BG [GD-K] Ridgewell 20/9/43; on 9th mission Rheims 28/3/44 with Dan Henry, Co-pilot: Bob Chrisler, Navigator: Fred Beardsworth, Bombardier: Rudi Jaciak, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Sebastian Quaresma, Radio Operator: Carl Mongrue, Ball turret gunner: Kyle Wheatley (6 Returned to Duty); Waist gunner: Jim Norcom, Waist gunner: Dick Toler,Tail gunner: Frank Kurtz (3 Killed in Action); sustained severe battle damage, pilot bringing ship home for crew to bail out over base, before dumping ship over North Sea along with three dead gunners; p & cp bailed out over Bawdsey, on Suffolk coast. No MACR. WHO DAT – THE DINGBAT ?