B-17F-45-BO: 42-5250 bis 42-5349
Geschichte der
B-17 42-5278
Delivered Geiger 6/11/42; Redmond 23/12/42; Walla Walla 22/2/43; Ephrata 15/5/43; Moses Lake with John McIlwane force landed 17/7/43; to Ephrata with Wayne Thompson, force landed base 24/8/43; force landed Avon Park, FL with Pau Stahle 14/1/44; 3701 BU Amarillo 9/6/44; 497BG Pratt 11/7/44; 246 BU Pratt 16/7/44; 273 BU Lincoln 10/2/45; 271 BU Kearney 6/3/45; Recl Comp 22/10/45.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. März 2019
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