B-17G-65-DL: 44-6751 bis 44-6875
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 398th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 603rd Bomb Squadron
- RCL: N7-H
Geschichte der
B-17 44-6834
Delivered Hunter 23/11/44; Dow Fd 31/5/44; Assigned 603BS/398BG [N7-H] Nuthampstead 17/1/45; repaired Missing in Action 2/3/45 with Oden, AOC {A-70} 4/3/45; then re-ass from 2 SAD Abbotts Ripton 23/4/45; RAF Valley 26/5/45; Returned to the USA Bradley 31/5/45; Sth Plains 3/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 18/12/45.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 1. Januar 2021
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