SDASM Archives
B-17G-85-DL: 44-83486 bis 44-83585
Geschichte der
B-17 44-83546
Delivered Topeka 1/4/45; served as VB-17G at Kodiak, Alaska, converted and assigned to Maj Gen Glenn O. Barcus, CO Fighter Command 5AF in Korea; Civil N3703G, first with TBM Inc as Tanker 68E with all-red tailplane in 1974, Porterville. Cal until 1981; used as the MEMPHIS BELLE in 1989 film; owned by David Tallichet, still dressed as such and now at Military Aircraft Restoration Corp., Chino, Cal, now airworthy. (THE MOVIE) MEMPHIS BELLE.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30. Oktober 2019
13. März 2024 access_time 17:51
Memphis Belle was at the Palm Springs Air Museum as of November 2023. It appeared that they were doing some work to the engines. I have pictures and a video.