B-17G-65-VE: 44-8401 bis 44-8500
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 305th Bomb Group
- 457th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 422nd Bomb Squadron
- 748th Bomb Squadron
- 750th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 44-8479 / Susie Sag Sump
Delivered Dallas 26/9/44; Hunter 6/10/44; Dow Fd 25/10/44; Assigned 748BS/457BG Glatton 29/11/44; 750BS; short of gas and crash landed Troston 2AD, with Haven Burningham 24/12/44; transferred 422BS/305BG Chelveston 23/5/45; on to St Trond, Belgium; with Theo Stoll in t/o accident at Roberts Fd, Liberia 31/1/46; re-ass 10HB Oberpfaffenhofen 30/4/47; Salvaged 9AF Germany 9/4/48. SUZY SAG SUMP.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. Dezember 2021
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