B-17G-100-VE: 44-85592 bis 44-85691
Geschichte der
B-17 44-85683
Delivered Louisville 26/4/45; Chicago Mun 8/5/45 for Bond Show; Sth Plains 16/6/45; NAS Phildelphia 20/6/45; designated XPB-1 31/7/45 [77258] with experimental electronic equipment; Assigned VPB-101 Floyd Bennett Fd, NY 11/45; NAS Squantum 5/46; NAMU Johnsville 3/47; taxi accident NAS Mustin Fd with two other aircraft 29/12/49; became DPB-1 for drop tests at NAAS Chincoteague, Va 1950; NAAF Mustin Fd 9/50, scrapped for spares.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 6. Januar 2018
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