B-17G-85-VE: 44-8801 bis 44-8900
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 305th Bomb Group
- 351st Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 365th Bomb Squadron
- 511th Bomb Squadron
Einsätze: 6
Geschichte der
B-17 44-8846 / Pink Lady aka Mother & Country
Delivered Cheyenne 17/1/45 where an AN/APS-15 radar unit was fitted instead of standard ball turret; Hunter 12/2/45; Grenier 25/2/45; Assigned 511BS/351BG [DS-M] Polebrook 25/3/45; {6m} transferred 365BS/305BG Chelveston 23/5/45 but remained in Europe as RB-17G at Weisbaden and Tripoli, Libya before moving on the Port Lyautey, Morocco, on mapping duties. Transferred to 45Recon. Sq in 3/49. Eventually sold to French I’Institut Geographique National as {F-BGSP} 7/12/54, then became airworthy as F-AZDX 5/85 at Fortresse Toujours Volante, Paris, France, as MOTHER & COUNTRY (pilot’s side) and PINK LADY (co-pilot side).
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 23. Februar 2019
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