B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies Aktuelle Einträge in der Datenbank

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-5219


Delivered Tulsa 14/10/42; Presque Is 26/11/42; West Palm Beach 15/1/43; Assigned 385BG Gt Ashfield 24/1/43; transferred 366BS/305BG Chelveston 2/43; then 364BS [WF-K]; Missing in Action Lorient 17/5/43 with Roy Richards, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: John McFarland, Ball turret gunner: Walter Schenk, Waist gunner: John Norris, Waist gunner: Dennis Cullinan,Tail gunner: Henry Mitchell (6 Killed in Action); Co-pilot: Joe Boyle, Navigator: Harry Indiere (2 Prisoner of War); Bombardier: Jim Wilschke, Radio Operator: Bob Neil (2 Evaded) shot down by enemy aircraft, crashed Auray, near target. Missing Air Crew Report 15569.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 43-39208


Delivered Lincoln 7/1/45; Grenier 25/1/45; with ? force landed base 3/2/45; Assigned 379BG Kimbolton 11/4/45; transferred 837BS/487BG Lavenham 22/5/45; Returned to the USA Bradley 13/7/45; 4185 BU Independence 13/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 10/12/45.

B-17 #41-24448 / Taxpayer’s Pride

41-24448 / Taxpayer’s Pride

Delivered Cheyenne 9/7/42; Sacramento SAD with Capt Jay Rusek; Assigned 64BS/19BG Mareeba, Aus 1/9/42; transferred 64BS/43BG Fenton Fd, Aus, then Mareeba, Aus 21/1/43; Port Moresby, NG 11/5/43; shot down 26/6/43 near Rabaul with Capt Don McEachan, Co-pilot: Capt John Scott, Navigator: Sumner Beck, Bombardier: Mortimer Smith, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Rod Edwards, Radio Operator: John Barry, Waist gunner: Ralph Thomas, Waist gunner: Homer Harper (9 Killed in Action);Tail gunner: Joel Griffin (POW, but survived war in Japan). Missing Air Crew Report 15995. TAXPAYER’S PRIDE.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 43-38311


Delivered Cheyenne 19/7/44; Kearney 28/7/44; Grenier 8/8/44; Assigned 862BS/493BG Debach 10/8/44; Missing in Action Hamburg 30/3/45 with Lew Hoagland, Fred Palmer, Art Hildebrandt, Sherman Hoops, Ed Knabb, Bob Bailey, Frank Weston, Jim Haggard, Bruce Yount (9 Prisoner of War); flak, crashed Woltershof, east of Lüchow, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 13553.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 43-38249


Delivered Cheyenne 12/7/44; Kearney 24/7/44; Grenier 7/8/44; Assigned 862BS/493BG Debach 9/8/44; transferred 836BS/487BG [2G-E] Lavenham 10/8/44; Salvaged 5/10/44.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97243


Delivered Cheyenne 10/2/44; Kearney 27/2/44; Presque Is 10/3/44; Assigned 325BS/92BG [NV-O] Podington 23/3/44; Missing in Action Rostock 11/4/44 with Chas Easley, Co-pilot: Joe Pagenkopf, Navigator: Bill Husted, Bombardier: Earl Gauthier, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Basil Seymore, Radio Operator: Wilbur Chambers, Ball turret gunner: Jack Guy, Waist gunner: Herman Tushka, Waist gunner: Ken Gibbons,Tail gunner: Ismael Yturralde (10 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed in wood near Ravenstein near Stargard, E of Stettin, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 3674.

B-17 #42-31060 / Poque Ma Hone

42-31060 / Poque Ma Hone

B-17G #42-31060 was delivered to Cheyenne 11/9/43; Assigned to the 427th Bomb Squadron of the 303rd Bomb Group [GN-N] and arrived at Molesworth on 18 October 1943. It was nicknamed “Poque Ma Hone” or POGUE-MA-HONE. (Gaelic for Kiss My Ass!) Reported as Missing in Action while on bombing mission to synthetic oil plant at Lutzkendorf, Germany on 9 February 1945. After colliding with #43-39149 (No Name), piloted by 2Lt. Robert J. Barrat, “Poque Ma Hone” tried to make its way to Allied controlled territory in Poland. It crashed near the village of Jaraczewo (south-east of Poznan). Salvaged n/battle damaged. From a crew of nine, 5 were Killed in Action (KIA), 1 became a Prisoner of War (POW) and 3 Returned to Duty (RTD). Alf Nemer, Odus Litzelfelner, Pete Volpini, Marion Canfield, Floyd Doherty were Killed in Action); Floyd Bohrer became a Prisoner of War; Henry Schulz, Howard Ganson and Paul Kerr Returned to Duty; See Missing Air Crew Report 12245.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 43-39149


Delivered Lincoln 21/12/44; Dow Fd 3/1/45; Assigned 303BG Molesworth 3/2/45; Missing in Action Lutzkendorf 9/2/45 with Bob Barrett, Dean Harvey, Shirl Best, Bill Karp, Ray Reiss, Matt Lastrowicz, Lou Linhart, Herb Link (8 Killed in Action); George Emerson (Prisoner of War); mid air coll with B-17 over Allied territory, Missing Air Crew Report 12229

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-102577 / Bouncin’ Annie

42-102577 / Bouncin’ Annie

Delivered Cheyenne 16/3/44; Kearney 1/4/44; Grenier 1/4/44; Assigned 331BS/94BG [QE-O] Rougham 10/4/44; Missing in Action Merseburg 2/11/44 with Wesley Peterson, Edwin Rieser, Roland Slay (3 Prisoner of War); Nubar Garabodian, Joe Butcher, John Padget, Ed Wirtel, Joe Failla, Jim Azer (6 Killed in Action); flak & enemy aircraft, hit between #3 & #4, then exploded and crashed Merseburg, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 10307. BOUNCIN’ ANNIE.

B-17 #42-31250 / Mag The Hag II

42-31250 / Mag The Hag II

Delivered Cheyenne 8/10/43; Gr Island 19/10/43; Wilmington 29/10/43; Assigned 327BS/92BG [UX-B] Podington 2/12/43; Missing in Action Sth Germany oil 13/9/44 with Harry Eck, Co-pilot: Clyde Wren, Navigator: John Sauer, Bombardier: Emil Wasilewski, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Cliff Keaney, Radio Operator: John Hogan, Ball turret gunner: John Bono,Tail gunner: Tom Deitman (8 Killed in Action); Waist gunner: George Clark (Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed on railway at Neustadt/Werra near Gerstungen, E of Eisenach, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 8882. MAG THE HAG II. (THE 2nd)

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-38180


Delivered Denver 6/1/44; Albuquerque 8/1/44; at Lowry Fd 28/6/45 crash landed with Dave Brennan; 3705 BU Lowry 10/9/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 9/12/46.

B-17 #42-31934 / Marie Helena

42-31934 / Marie Helena

Delivered Cheyenne 6/1/44; Gr Island 15/1/44; Assigned 731BS/452BG [7D-Q] Deopham Green 4/2/44; Damaged over Rouen 8/7/44; with Bob Smith (Wounded in Action), Bombardier: John Morales (Wounded in Action), Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Wilfred Munningham (Wounded in Action), Radio Operator: John Kayes (Wounded in Action), Ball turret gunner: Jack Lodwig, Waist gunner: Everett O’Malley, Waist gunner: Don Tucker,Tail gunner: Bill Lorig (8 Returned to Duty); Co-pilot: Joe Beauregard, Navigator: John Thomsen (2 Killed in Action); Two engines out and radio, force landed on US fighter strip in France; was eventually repaired and back to UK base; Returned to the USA 121 BU Bradley 5/7/45; 4168 Base Unit, South Plains, Texas 25/8/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 17/11/45. Missing Air Crew Report ?. MARIE HELENA.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-6493


Delivered Lincoln 19/8/44, left 29/8/44 with Bob Storz for ?

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-30780 / Eager Eagle II

42-30780 / Eager Eagle II

Delivered Cheyenne 27/7/43; Geiger 9/8/43; Pendleton 12/8/43; Assigned 509BS/351BG [RQ-H/T] Polebrook 21/9/43; Missing in Action {10m} Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Bill Myers, Co-pilot: John Hart, Bombardier: Art Jones, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Clyde Caudle, Radio Operator: Lavern Sherman, Ball turret gunner: John Ricci,Tail gunner: Jim Mansfield (7 Killed in Action), Navigator: Bill Carmichael, Waist gunner: Bill Bloshko, Waist gunner: Herb Bivens{spinal injury in hospital 6 mths} (3 Prisoner of War); enemy aircraft, crashed Holzerode, six miles NE of Gottingen, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 1938. EAGER EAGLE II.

B-17 #44-8167


Delivered Dallas 28/7/44; Hunter 29/7/44; Dow Fd 10/8/44; Assigned 96BS/2BG Amendola 17/8/44; taxi accident with Dick Davenport 16/12/44; {79m} Returned to the USA Hunter 3/7/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 7/12/45.

B-17 #42-31865 / Ole Ironsides

42-31865 / Ole Ironsides

Delivered Denver 29/12/43; Scott 14/1/44; Atlanta 16/1/44; Lakeland 18/1/44; Morrison 24/2/44; Assigned 775BS/463BG Celone 29/2/44; Missing in Action Munich 13/6/44 with Lester Weaver, Co-pilot: Ken Blood, Navigator: Harry Foster, Bombardier: Ed Resovsky, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bob Bruckman, Radio Operator: Joe Szefranski, Ball turret gunner: Humble, Waist gunner: Mike Infurno, Waist gunner: Roy Stoller,Tail gunner: Ray Stoller (10INT); mech failure, force landed Magadino, Switz; Missing Air Crew Report 6408. Returned to the USA 1377 BU Grenier 26/11/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 27/11/45. OLE IRONSIDES.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-97603 / Gremlin Buggy II

42-97603 / Gremlin Buggy II

Delivered Denver 3/1/44; Scott 10/2/44; Langley 13/2/44; Presque Is 11/3/44; Assigned (H2X) 333BS/94BG Rougham 12/3/44; transferred 548BS/385BG [GX-K] Gt Ashfield 12/3/44; Missing in Action Karlsruhe 27/5/44 with Capt Bill Richards (94BG), Co-pilot: Capt Norman Radin (radar crew, later escaped), radar nav-Bob Craig, Bombardier: Jim Goings, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Bill Carte, Ex nav-Lt Garnett Turnstall, Waist gunner: Henry Piekarski, Waist gunner: Raleigh Rhodes{94BG},Tail gunner: Loy Humphrey (10INT); flak hit #2; bellied in Knutwil, Switz; set on fire to destroy secret radar equipment. Missing Air Crew Report 5266. GREMLIN BUGGY II.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-31899 / Chatterbox

42-31899 / Chatterbox

Delivered Denver 3/1/44; Kearney 13/1/44; Assigned 510BS/351BG [TU-B] Polebrook 29/2/44; Missing in Action {19m} Ludwigshafen 27/5/44; flak KOd #3, then enemy aircraft attack, force landed Dubendorf, Switz; Missing Air Crew Report 5332. 10 INT. CHATTERBOX.

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 42-107042 / Liberty Run

42-107042 / Liberty Run

Delivered Tulsa 3/2/44; Grenier 2/3/44; Assigned 401BS/91BG [LL-Z] Bassingbourn 5/3/44; Missing in Action 15m Ludwigshafen 27/5/44; flak, force landed Payerne, Switz; Missing Air Crew Report 5356; 9 INT; Salvaged 9AF Germany 10/12/45. LIBERTY RUN.

B-17 #42-102482


Delivered Cheyenne 7/3/44; Gr Island 29/3/44; Dow Fd 7/4/44; Assigned 339BS/96BG [QJ-A] Snetterton 8/4/44; Missing in Action Berlin 8/5/44. Enemy aircraft, crash landed two miles W of Wolfenbuettel, nine miles S of Brunswick, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 4575.