B-17 Flying Fortress B-17 44-8273 / Ole Blood and Guts

B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies 44-8273 / Ole Blood and Guts


  • RCL: DI-U

Geschichte der
B-17 44-8273 / Ole Blood and Guts

Delivered: Dallas 29/7/44; Lincoln 17/8/44; Grenier 3/9/44; Assigned: 570BS/390BG [DI-U] Framlingham 5/9/44; severe battle damage Hamburg 1/1/45 Pilot: Bob Penovich, Co-Pilot: W.M. Hayes, Navigator: Roy Golder{wia}, togg-John Gleason {wia}, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Ben Holman, Radio Operator: Dick Meyers, Ball Turret Gunner: Maurice Stanton, Waist Gunner: Wilmer Rhodes, Tail Gunner: Lloyd Chapman (9RTD); crash-landed Parham A/fd, UK and ran off runway. Salvaged. 3/2/45. OLE BLOOD AND GUTS.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. Juli 2018


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