B-17F-115-BO: 42-30617 bis 42-30731
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 305th Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 364th Bomb Squadron
Geschichte der
B-17 42-30643 / Green Mountain Rambler
Delivered Cheyenne 3/7/43; Gr Isle 22/7/43; Walla Walla 1/8/43; Scott 9/8/43; Assigned: 364BS/305BG [WF-P] Chelveston 2/9/43; cp error as u/c collapsed taxying for Brunswick mission 29/1/44 Pilot: Harry Patterson, Co-Pilot: Ken Stansfield, Navigator: Vernon Price, Bombardier: Jim Harvey, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Elwood Mather, Radio Operator: Bob Hartshorn, Ball Turret Gunner: Troy Little, Waist Gunner: Bob Bain, Waist Gunner: Vince Pulida, Tail Gunner: Carl Neighbors (10RTD); Salvaged. n/battle damage 30/1/44.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 4. Februar 2019
17. April 2023 access_time 17:42
This B-17 was first flown and named by my father, Lt. Edwin L. Little of the 305th Bomb Group. He was a native of Vermont and named it honor of that state. He flew it for 19 missions and was one of only two planes of the entire group to survive a mission on Oct. 14, 1943.