B-17G-35-DL: 42-106984 bis 42-107233
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 483rd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 817th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 13244
Geschichte der
B-17 42-107156 / The Great Speckled Bird
Delivered Tulsa 8/3/44; MacDill 30/3/44; Morrison 8/4/44; Assigned 817BS/483BG Sterparone 29/4/44; Missing in Action Ruhland 22/3/45 with Con Robinson, Kakides, Andreola, Bunn, Chupa {Wounded in Action}, Clifford, Rivera {Wounded in Action}, Cochran {wia), Brown (8 evaded capture & ret.); cp Craig killed by German sniper, Chupa died in Russian hospital (2 Killed in Action); flak & hit by jet enemy aircraft, shot off most of tail, crashed Breslau; Missing Air Crew Report 13244. THE GREAT SPECKLED BIRD.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. März 2021
B-17 42-107156 / The Great Speckled Bird Details
Augenzeugenbericht über den Verlust der B-17 #42-107156
Um 1234 Uhr wurde die Box, in der die Maschine Nr. 42-107156 flog, von Jets angegriffen. Dieses Flugzeug flog auf der Position Nr. 2. Beim ersten Angriff wurde ein großes Loch in das rechte Höhenleitwerk gerissen und es wurde gesehen, wie Händler in den Heckraum eindrangen. Das Flugzeug blieb jedoch offenbar unter Kontrolle und versuchte, dem Führungsflugzeug zu folgen, der aufgrund von Sauerstoff- und Motorproblemen schnell an Höhe verlor. Das Flugzeug wurde zuletzt um 1240 Uhr gesehen, auf 17000 Fuß, immer noch unter Kontrolle, aber mit Höhenverlust, bei Position 5125N – 1425E (ungefähr).
Quelle: MACR 13244
B-17 42-107156 / The Great Speckled Bird Crew
Position | Rang | Name | Status | Bemerkung |
P | 2LT | Con J. Robinson | EVD | - |
CP | F/O | Richard C. Craig | KIA | - |
NAV | 2LT | James H. Kakides | EVD | - |
ENG/TT | CPL | Ivox H. Bunn | EVD | - |
RO | CPL | John B. Chupa | KIA | - |
BT | CPL | Virgil D. Cochran | EVD | - |
WG | SGT | Richard A. Clifford | EVD | - |
WG | CPL | Hilario M. Rivers | EVD | - |
TG | S/SGT | Carl H. Brown | EVD | - |
TOG | S/SGT | John Andreola | EVD | - |
13. März 2021 access_time 3:26
My Father, Hilario M. Rivera was a TOG in this crew. He flew his first combat mission on March 22, 1945. He was bumped to RWG that day. Andreola had more seniority & was also a TOG, he was serving his 26th or last mission & that day they got shot down by a ME-262. My Father was hit by the same 20mm cannon round that wounded Chupa the RO. My Father administered first aid & oxygen for Chupa. He tied a static line to his parachute & kicked him out the door. Over half the crew were picked up by the Russian allies. Chupa & Craig died in a makeshift Russian hospital. My Father had many stories to tell about his WW 2 experience. Conrad Robinson put him in for the Distinguished Flying Cross Medal, but he never received it or was denied. My Father passed away this past November 2020 from Covid-19, the silent killer. He was 96 years old & the last of his crew to pass away. We buried him with full Military Honor.
13. März 2021 access_time 8:14
Hello Rene, thank you very much for sharing these information. And I am sorry about the loss of your father.
I have lost my father in December 2020.
23. Dezember 2022 access_time 18:22
Rene, I’m sorry for your loss. I was wondering if you have any photos of Robinson crew members. I’m looking specifically for a photo of Henry Goldman who was a regular member on this crew, but wasn’t on this flight. — Paul