B-17F-20-BO: 41-24504 bis 41-24539
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 91st Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 323rd Bomb Squadron
MACR: 279
Einsätze: 16
Geschichte der
B-17 41-24524 / The Eagle’s Wrath
Assigned 323BS/91BG [OR-O] Bangor 10/9/42; Bassingbourn 11/10/42; Missing in Action 16m Schweinfurt 17/8/43. Enemy aircraft hit oxygen bottles setting fuselage on fire, crashed Gelnhausen, near Harxheim, 12 miles E of Frankfurt-am-Main, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 279. THE EAGLE’S WRATH.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25. September 2019
B-17 41-24524 / The Eagle’s Wrath Crew
Position | Rang | Name | Status | Bemerkung |
P | 1LT | Anthony G. Arcaro | POW | - |
CP | 2LT | Roman Niemczyk | POW | - |
NAV | 2LT | Harry K Warner | KIA | - |
BOMB | 2LT | William F Glover | POW | - |
ENG/TT | T/SGT | James F Jones | KIA | - |
RO | SGT | Delmar F Kaech | POW | - |
BT | S/SGT | Harold K Michaud | KIA | - |
WG | S/SGT | Elmer F Lindholm | POW | - |
WG | S/SGT | Ralph E Dearth | POW | - |
TG | S/SGT | William G Golden | POW | - |
28. Januar 2018 access_time 16:57
My father was in the 94th Bomb Group “The Eagles Wrath”. His name was Theodore Roosevelt Pruitt. In the picture on the website from above ^ he is on the first row second from the right. His position was the tail Gunner. I don’t know the man’s name but the one directly behind him” the small man” was the ball turret Gunner. My father passed in 1990 and I don’t have much more information than what I’ve stated.
26. Mai 2024 access_time 1:15
im from Germany And i live in haxheim. 🙂
16. Mai 2020 access_time 1:37
Is there any way to find previous crew members of this aircraft? My uncle Kelly Camp was on this aircraft prior to it being shot down. Just trying to find more information about him and the story.
17. Oktober 2020 access_time 3:26
My Great Uncle James Jones was part of the original crew on the Eagle’s Wrath. He was KIA when the plane was hit on the Shweinfurt-Regensburg mission. From my research, I have not found any living members from the original crew or the final crew. I did connect with a pilot who flew her one time but he just passed last week.
26. April 2021 access_time 22:31
My dad was the original bombardier of “The Eagle’s Wrath”. He always talked about the plane going down over Shweinfurt, 2 missions after his tour was over.
He and Mom went to a lot of bomb group reunions until their numbers thinned and it became hard to travel. Dad passed in 2004, William “Tex” Butler
23. Mai 2021 access_time 3:24
Hi Dale,
I would love to connect and see if you can help with any information regarding the original crew, plane, and my uncle James who was KIA on the last mission.
16. Oktober 2022 access_time 20:25
Hi Dale, 2nd attempt to reply. I went to the museum at Bassingbourn, where your father flew from, with Dean (your brother?).
24. Mai 2020 access_time 2:51
This aircraft can be seen in the background of a dogfight in January 1943: https://i.imgur.com/F1RxZqM.gifv
11. Mai 2021 access_time 16:36
My great grandfather loaded bombs on this exact b17
09. Februar 2024 access_time 4:21
Harry K Warner…navigator…my distant cousin…I did alot of research when I lived in England…
24. Februar 2024 access_time 5:05
My father was William F. Glover, wa the bombardier on Eagle’s Wrath when it was shot down over Schweinfurt. He went through training and flew with Harry Warner. Harry and my dad were good friends and was the only time I saw my father get emotional about talking about losing Harry. They hung out together and somewhere I have a photo of Harry that was taken when they were both training in Tucson.
08. April 2024 access_time 4:04
Dennis@wreckmyboat.com can you please contact me
27. April 2024 access_time 21:36
As a college professor, but more importantly the nephew of Delmar Kaech (Radio Man on Eagle’s Wrath’s final flight), I was pleased and surprised to find out your relative survived the crash—listed as POW in list above. From a narrative I read elsewhere that recounts my uncle’s final minutes before bailing, I assumed all other crew died. (The book is listed, with full Chapters on another site under memories/stories, perhaps there is information helpful to you there. The book is out of print, but a researcher is trying to locate it for me.)
I was wondering where your relative was incarcerated. My uncle was in Stalag 17B. But the picture above proves they were on the same crew/flight.
I’m sorry I have no information on Harry.
In terms of empathy, my experience was much like yours. My uncle was reticent to offer details about his experiences, though I did get some details, stories, details. As a professor, one of my uncle’s stories stuck out and conforms with historical facts as regards who ran POW camps. A lot of people don’t know this, but the Luftwaffe ran the camps; the Luftwaffe was part of the Wehrmacht, the professional army, in no way ideologically associated with the Shutestaffel (S.S.). They didn’t even like the S.S.
The Wehrmacht’s ethos followed the International Rules of War. A story my uncle told me illustrates the point. For much of my uncle’s incarceration the Commandant addressed all assembled POWs with the traditional salute. However, one day the Commandant stepped out of his quarters and proceeded to apologize for his superiors’ mandated change of policy. He then informed his POWs that orders now required he address them with a raised Nazi “Heil Hitler” extended arm. The Commandant couldn’t apologize enough. His sincerity was evident to my uncle. A weird tale but true, and indicative of the Wehrmacht’s reluctance to play Nazi.
I don’t know if you would be interested in discussing such issues via email. But feel free.
10. Mai 2024 access_time 19:36
Can anyone put names to faces in the photo? The only picture we had of Harry “Buddy” K Werner has been lost. I’m not sure which one he is. Thanks
22. Mai 2024 access_time 4:22
Wouldn’t Harry be 3rd from the left, given the photo and crew list?
My uncle was Dell Keach, captured and held in Stalag 17B, Radioman
Dr. Jeff Ebbesen