B-17F-25-BO: 41-24540 bis 41-24584
- Bomber-Gruppe:
- 303rd Bomb Group
- Bomber-Staffel:
- 358th Bomb Squadron
MACR: 1925
Einsätze: 60
Geschichte der
B-17 41-24562 / Sky Wolf
Assigned 358BS/303BG [VK-A] Bangor 14/10/42; Molesworth 16/10/42; 60m Missing in Action Oschersleben 11/1/44 with Aubrey Emerson, Co-pilot: McDonald Riddick, Navigator: Lew Halliburton, Bombardier: Don Delaura, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Grover Mullins, Radio Operator: Jim Supple, Waist gunner: John Visznecki, Waist gunner: Jim Pleasant,Tail gunner: Bernie Sutton (9 Prisoner of War), Ball turret gunner: Howard Zeitner (Killed in Action); crashed Wolsdorf, four miles SW of Helmstedt, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 1925. SKY WOLF.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. Dezember 2019
19. April 2019 access_time 3:59
My Dad, Grover C. Mullins, was on this mission. When Emerson mysteriously pulled out of formation, Grover went down from the top turret and pushed the throttles back forward. Emerson retorted that he was going to court martial Grover but Grover said, “No you NOT, because we aren’t going to get back!” AND so it happened. Grover was the last man out of “Sky Wolf.”
31. Mai 2024 access_time 23:43
Do you know anything about technical sergeant Jack Baxter by any chance? member of the 358th. slight chance he could be my grandfather but I can’t yet be sure.
13. Dezember 2019 access_time 2:09
Loss date on this info is incorrect. SkyWolf was lost on 1/11/44. The Bombardier Don Delaura wasn’t assigned to Emerson crew but was made lead Bombardier on this raid as such he was switch into SkyWolf with Emerson. Don was on the William C. DaShiell crew along with George Morrison (who I personally knew)
The last minute change saved Dons life. Sadly the Dashiell crew were all killed on the Oshersleben mission when their B-17 exploded just prior to the bomb run. Hit in the bomb bay we suspect, a witness said all he saw was the explosion then just the control cables flittering down twinkling as they went. My good friend George Morrison was not able to go on this mission due to being wounded by a 20mm cannon shell on a prior mission, although he all but threatened the flight surgeons life for permission to go.
23. März 2022 access_time 5:42
I know this is a old comment I came across it doing some research on my grandfather Aubrey emerson. I know they were shot down over Germany and he survived, never knew anything about the crew he flew with as he didn’t talk about it to my dad and passed before I ever got to meet him. But it’s awesome to see they are still being remembered.
07. November 2023 access_time 4:25
Hello Taylor nice to see your doing research into your granddads service. I called him once yrs ago but sadly I was a yr to late. I do remember talking to his widow about him. I knew George Morrison and Don Delaura both of whom flew with your granddad for the 1st few combat missions. Don related this tale to me- Don always took his shoes with him just in case (They wore heavy flight boots great for the cold but sloppy to walk in) he ever had to bail out. When Skywolf was going down Don grabbed his chest chute,his shoes and sat down next to the door. When he got the door open the heat from the burning wing spooked him so immediately he jumped leaving his shoes in the plane. Don was taken prisoner just as your granddad was but in big ole clumpy flight boots. 😁
31. Mai 2024 access_time 23:42
do either of you know anything about technical sergeant Jack Baxter from the 358th? slight chance he might be my grandfather but I’m not sure.
17. Juli 2024 access_time 18:35
List has 4 Jack Baxter’s, all Radio Operators, all w/the 358th. Hope this helps. Good luck. May God bless all those boys.